Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/34

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NO. 36 OF 2018

(a) limit the powers conferred on an investigator under this Division that the investigator may exercise;
(b) limit where in Singapore the investigator may exercise his or her powers under this Act or any of them;
(c) limit when the investigator may exercise his or her powers under this Act or any of them;
(d) limit the circumstances in which the investigator may exercise his or her powers under this Act or any of them.

(7) An investigator may be accompanied and assisted by police officers or other individuals when exercising powers under this Division if that assistance is necessary and reasonable; and any reference to the investigator in sections 26 to 31 includes a reference to such a police officer or other individual accompanying and assisting the investigator.

(8) To avoid doubt, this section does not prevent the Director appointing himself or herself as an investigator for the purpose of carrying out any investigation.

Identification cards

24.—(1) The Director must issue to each investigator an identification card.

(2) Every investigator must return to the Director any identification card issued to him or her under subsection (1) when—

(a) for a consultant, his or her appointment as such ceases; and
(b) for any other investigator, he or she ceases to be a TSIB staff member.

(3) An investigator must produce his or her identification card for inspection—

(a) before exercising a power under this Act; and
(b) at any time during the exercise of a power under this Act, if asked to do so.