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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/31

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Foreign Intercourse.An act making further provision for the expenses attending the intercourse of the United States with foreign nations; and to continue in force the act entitled “An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations.”May 30, 1790.
Light-houses, &c., Remission of Forfeitures, Collection of Duties on Distilled Spirits.An act to continue in force, for a limited time, the acts therein mentioned.(Obsolete.)May 30, 1796.
Debt of the United States, Loan of Five Millions of Dollars.An act making provision for the payment of certain debts of the United States.(Expired.)May 31, 1796.
Passports for Ships and Vessels of the United States.An act providing passports for the ships and vessels of the United States.June 1, 1796.
Public Lands appropriated for the United Brethren, &c.An act regulating the grants of lands appropriated for military services, and for the Society of United Brethren, for propagating the Gospel among the heathen.June 1, 1797.
The State of Tennessee admitted into the Union.An act for the admission of the State of Tennessee into the Union.June 1, 1796.
Appropriations to satisfy Demands attending the late Insurrection, and to increase the Compensation of Jurors and Witnesses.An act making an appropriation to satisfy certain demands attending the late insurrection, and to increase the compensation to jurors and witnesses in the courts of the United States.(Obsolete.)June 1, 1796.
Drawback on Domestic Distilled Spirits, and on Spirits exported.An act limiting the time for the allowance of drawback on the exportation of domestic distilled spirits, and allowing a drawback upon such spirits exported in vessels of less than thirty tons by the Mississippi.(Repealed.)June 1, 1796.
Appropriations for the Support of Government.An act making further appropriations for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six.(Obsolete.)June l, 1797.
Appropriations for the Military and Naval Establishments.An act making appropriations for the support of the military and naval establishments for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six.(Obsolete.)June 1, 1796.
Relief to the Owners of Stills in certain Cases.An act providing relief to the owners of stills within the United States for a limited time in certain cases.(Obsolete.)June 1, 1796.
Duties on Snuff and Refined Sugar.An act to suspend, in part, the act entitled “An act to alter and amend the act entitled ‘An act laying certain duties upon snuff and refined sugar.’”(Obsolete.)June 1, 1796.

STATUTE Ⅱ.—1796, 1797.

Promulgation of the Laws of the United States.An act to amend the act entitled “An act for the more general promulgation of the laws of the United States.”(Obsolete.)Dec. 21, 1796.
Laws of the United States extended to the State of Tennessee.An act giving effect to the laws of the United States within the State of Tennessee.Jan. 31, 1797.
Compensation of the Attorney-General augmented.An act to augment the compensation of the attorney-general of the United States.(Obsolete.)March 2, 1797.
Crimes.An act to continue in force for a limited time the act, in addition to the act, for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States.(Expired.)March 2, 1797.
Provision for the Accommodation of the Household of the President of the United States.An act making further provision for the further accommodation of the household of the President of the United States.(Obsolete.)March 2, 1797.
Registering and Recording of Ships or Vessels, and Vessels in the Coasting Trade and Fisheries.An act in addition to an act entitled “An act concerning the registering and recording of ships or vessels,” and to an act entitled “An act enrolling and licensing ships or vessels employed in the coasting trade and fisheries, and for regulating the same.”(Obsolete.)March 2, 1797.
Appropriations for the Support of Government.An act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven.(Obsolete.)March 3, 1797.
Compensation and Duties of certain Officers of the Customs.An act relative to the compensation and duties of certain officers employed in the collection of impost and tonnage.(Obsolete.)March 3, 1797.