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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1062

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1010 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. stood that the claim should be made bien entendido que el reclamo sera within the term of one year, by the hecho per les mismos interesados, parties themselves, their attorneys, sus apoderades, 6 los ajentes de sus er agents of their respective gov- Lespectivqs gobiefnos, dentro del ernments: rmmo e un ano. ARTICLE XII. ARTICUL0 XH. Qowsrofdis- The citizens of each of the con- Los ciudadanos de cada una dc {gg5F gg tracting parties shall have power las partes centratantes tendran fand ,-ight of SLC. to dispose of their personal goods cultad para disponer de los efectos <=¤¤¤i<>¤ ¤1¤¤‘¢¤>· within the jurisdiction of the other, de su pertenencia, dentro de la juby sale, donation, testament, or risdiccion del otro, per venta, denaotherwise, and their representatives, cion, testamento 6 de cualquier otra being citizens of the other party, manera, i sus herederos 6 represenshall succeed to their said personal tantes, siendo naturales de la otra goods, whether by testament or ab parte, sucederén en dichos efeotos, mtcstato, and they may take posses- sea por testamente 6 ab intestate, 1 sion thereof, either by themselycs podrpln gomar pesijlon i disponer or others acting for them, and is- de e os su ve un , por si 6 por pose of the same at their will, otros que ebren 6. nombre suyo, paying such duties only as the in- pagando solamente les derechos a. habitants of the country where such que en scmejantes cases estan sujegoods are shall be subject to pay in tos los habitantes del pais donde lljigplcases. And it} in the case of ecsisten dichos efectos. Y si en el estate, the said heirs would be case de ser los bienes raices, estuprevented frfem entering into the viese prohibido é. los menciouados possession e the inheritance on herederos, entrar en esesion de ls account of their character of aliens, herencia, é. causa de gu caracter de there shall be granted to them the estranjeres, se les concedera. el plazo longest period allowed by the law mas large que fuese permitide por to dispose of the same as they may las leyes, para disponer de ellos think proper, and te withdraw the como les parezca i esportar su proproceeds without molestation, nor ducto, sin otros gravamenes ni deany other charges than those which rechos que los establecidos por las are imposed by the laws of the leyes del pais. country. Aivrrcmt xm. ARTICUL0 xru. wgitgggnofw I Both the contracting parties prom- Las dos partes contratantes prob°pmmmd_ xse and engage,formalIy,togive their meten i se obligan formalmente 6, special protection to the persons and prestar su proteccion especial 6. las property of the citizens of each other, personas i propriedades de los cinof all occupations, who may be in dadanes de la otra, de todas occupathe territories subject to the juris- ciones, que esten en los territories diction of the one or the other, tran- de su respective. jurisdiccion, sean _ Tribunmof sient er dwelling therein, leaving transeuntes 6 demiciliados; dandet)*;)i;°°*°b° open and free to them the tribunals les libre acceso a los tribuuales de ' of justice, for their judicial recourse, justicia para sus recursos judiciales on the same terms which are usu- en los mismos términos que son de al and customary with the natives uso i costumbre con los naturales; of the country; for which they para cuyo efecto podran emplear eu may employ, in defence of their defense de sus derechos, los abegarights, such advocates, solicitors, no- dos, procuradores, notarios, agentes, taries, agents, and factors as they ifacteres que les parezca, en todas may judge proper, in all their trials sus contiendas judiciales ; dichos at law ; and such citizens or agents cindadanes i agentes podran presenshall have free opportunity to be tarse libremente a. las decisiones i