TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. 1011 present at the accusations and sen- sentencias de los tribunales, en totences of the tribunals in all cases dos los casos que les conciernan,i which may concern them; and like- podrén pedir testimonies de todas wise at the taking of all examina- las informaciones 6 documentos que tions and evidence which may be se produjeren en dichos tribunales exhibited on the said trials, in the en la forma establecida por las leyes manner established by the laws of del pals. Los ciudadanos de una the country. If the citizens of one de las partes oontratantes que halof the contracting parties, in the ter- landose en territorio de la otra, se Those engagritory of the other, engage in inter- injcriesen en las cuestiones politicas impl? i"“°"'“ - - - . , . , . po itical quesnal political questions, they shall be mternas, estaran sujetos alas mismas mus, subject to the same measures of medidas de represion 6 de precaupunishment and precaution as the cion a que lo estuviereu los del citizens of the country where they pals. reside. ARTICLE XIV. ARTICULO XIV. The citizens of the two contract- Los ciudadanos de las dos partes Religiout ing parties shall enjoy the full lib- contratantes gozaran de completa f”°d°'“· erty of conscience in the countries libertad de conciencia, en los paises subject to the jurisdiction of the one sujetos a la jurisdiccion de la una. 6 or the other, without being disturbed de la otra, sin ser inquietados ni moor molested on account of their re- lestados por razon de sus opiniones ligious opinions, provided they re- relijiosas, con tal do que respeten spcct the laws and established cus- las leyes i costumbres establecidas toms of the country. And the bodies en el pais. Ademas los cuerpos de Rlmhh of of the citizens of the one who may los ciudadanos de una de las parties bun · die in the territory of the other shall contratantes, que fallecieren en el be interred in the public cemeteries, tcrritorio de la otra, seran enterraor in other decent places of burial, dos en los cementerios publicos ti which shall be protected from all otros enterratorios decentes, que seviolation or insult by the local au- ran protejidos contra toda violacion thorities. o insulto, por las autoridadas locales. ARTICLE xv. ARTICUL0 xv. It shall be lawful for the citizens Sera licito a los ciudadanos de la Fwd,,,,, 0; of the United States of America, Republics de Bolivia i de la Union navigation. and of the Republic of Bolivia, to Americana navegar con sus buques, sail with their ships, with all manner con entera. libertad i seguridad, sin of liberty and security, no distinc- hacer distincion de duenos de las tion being made who are the pro- mercaderias que se encuentren a su prietors of the merchandises laden bordo, de cualesquiera puerto con thereon, from any port to the places direccion a los puertos 6 lugares de of those who now are, or liereatler desembarco de una nacion 6 nashall be, at enmity with either of clones que estén en guerra con una the contracting parties. lt shall ti otra de las partes contratantes. likewise be lawful for the citizens Sera. lfcito, asi mismo, a dichos cinaforesaid to sail with their ships and dadanos navegar i comerciar con sus merchandises before mentioned, and buques i mercaderias, con entera libto trade with the same liberty and crtud i seguridad, no solamente de security, not only from places and los lugares i puertos de los enemigos ports of those who are enemies of de una 6 de ainbas partes, a los both or either party, to the ports of puettos del otro 1 a los lugares neuthe other, and to neutral places, but trales, sino tambien de- un lugar also from bne place belonging to an perteneciente a un enemigo, 6. otro enemy, to another place belonging lugar perteneciente a un enemigo, v01.. XII. TanA·r.—-130
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