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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1064

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1012 TREATY WITH BOLIVIA. MAY 13, 1858. to an enemy, whether they be under sea que esten ibajo la jurisdiccion the jurisdiction of one power or of de una potencia 6 de varias. several smrxcnm XVI. ABTICUL0 XVI. Freuhlps The two high contracting parties Las dos altas partes contratantes '”‘l‘° f”°€°°d’· recognize as permanent and immu- reconoceran como permanentes é intable the following principles, towit: mutables los principios siguientes: 1st. That free ships make free 1°. Que el buque neutral proteje goods; that is to say, that the effects la carga, es decir, que los efectos, or goods belonging to subjects or 6 mercaderias pertenecientes a los citizens of a power or state at war subditos 6 ciudadanos de una naare free from capture or confiscation cion enemiga, son neutrales a bordo when found on board of neutral ves— de un buque neutral, con eseepcion sels, with the exception of articles de los articulos de contrabando de contraband of war. guerra. N¤¤*¤l P*<>1>· 2d. That the property of neutrals 2°. Que la carga neutral a bordo

,:t,§{,Q,l§°{;:’$,6,_ on board an enemy’s vessel is not de un buque enemigo, no esta sujeta

canon, unless, subject to confiscation, unless the a confiscacion; permanece neutral, "°· same be contraband of war. a menos que sea contrabando de The like neutrality shall be ex- guerra. tended to persons who are on board La misma neutralidad se estena neutral ship with this effect, that dera zi. las personas que se hallen a. although they may be enemies to bordo de un buque neutral, de maboth or either party, they are not to nera que, aunque sean enemigas de be taken out of that ship unless they ambas 6 de una de las partes, no are officers or soldiers, and in the pueden ser estraidas del buque, si actual service of the enemies. The no ser que sean oticialcs 6 soldados contracting parties engage to apply que se hallan en actual servicio del these principles to the commerce enemigo. Las partes contratantes and navigation of all such powers se obligan é. aplicar estos principi0s and states as shall consent to adopt al comercio i navegacion de todas them as permanent and immuta- las potencias 6 estados que conble. sientan en adoptarlos como permanentes é inmutables. Aurxcnn xvu. ARTICUL0 XVII. Gontraband This liberty of navigation and La libertad de comercioinavega- °* “"“" commerce shall extend to all kinds cion se estendera a todo jénero de of merchandise, excepting those only mercaderias, esceptuando solamente which are distinguished by the name aquellas que se distinguen con el of contraband of war, and under this nombre de contrabando de guerra name shall becomprehended-— bajo cuya denominacion se comlst. Cannons, mortars, howitzers, prenden. swivels, blunderbusses, muskets, fu- 1°. Ca1“iones,morteros,obuses, peses, rifles, carbines, pistols, pikes, dreros, mosquetes, fusiles,ritles,carswords, sabres, lanoes, spears, hal- abinas, pistolas, espadas, sables, lanberds, and grenades, bombs, powder, zas, chusos, alabardas, i granadas, matches, balls, and all other things bombas, polvora, mechas, balas, con belonging to the use of these arms. las demas cosas correspondieutes al 2d. Bucklers, helmets, breast- uso de estas armas. plates, coats of mail, infantry belts, 2°. Broqueles, escudos, yelmos, and clothes made up in the form casquetes, corazas, cotas de malla, and for a military use. forniturasivestidos hechos en forma 3d. Cavalry belts, and horses, ipara uso militar. with their furniture. 8°. Bandoleras i caballos con sus 4th. And, generally, all kinds of arreos.