THIRTY—SEY’ENTH CONGRESS. SRs. H. Ch. 47, 48. 1862. 373 needing one sixth of his pay for articles sold during any month. He shall keep said list or schedule, together with a copy of this act, fairly ]_S¤*U<¢¤*<> MBP written or printed, posted up in some conspicuous part: of the place 1stp°st°d’&°‘ where he makes said sales, and where the same can be easily read by any person to whom he makes said sales. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the in- Place of sale specter-generals to cause the place of sale and articles kept: for that $$1 ggggfng purpose, by said sutlers, to be inspected from time to time, once in Hf— Eagan da)-s_ teen days at least, by some competent officer, specially detailed for that duty, and such changes in said place, or in the quality and character of the articles mentioned in said list or schedule, so kept as shall be required by said officer, shall be conformed to by each sutler. And Report, such officer shall report each inspection to the inspector-generals. Sec. 6. Ami be it further enacted, That no person shall be permitted No P°’S{>¤ *0 to act as sutler unless appointed according to the provisions of this act; ?gs1a§,;3t°r’ U"' nor shall any person be sutler for more than one regiment; nor shall and only for any sutler farm out or underlet the business of sutling or the privi- °”§0‘2°gT§g;;_l€L leges granted to him by his appointment; nor shall any officer of the (mace, note, army receive from any sutler any money or other presents; nor be ;¤¢¤iv¤ li*¤¤€¤¤ interested in any way in the stock, trade, or business of any sutler; mm Sm "' and any officer receiving such presents, or being thus interested, directly Y¤¤¤lW· or indirectly, shall be punished at the discretion of a courbmartial. No sutler shall sell to an enlisted man on credit to a sum exceeding Ll¤¤i*°f credit one fourth of his monthly pay within the same month; nor shall the m mm regimental quartermasters allow the use of army wagons for sutlers’ W¤g¤¤¤_¤¤d purposes; nor shall the quartermasters’ conveyances be used for the m’"Sp°mt'°“‘ transportation of sutlers’ supplies. S20. 7. And be it further enacted, That any sutler who shall violate _ $¤fI9f¤ Vi<>l¤¤· any of the provisions of this act shall, by the colonel, with consent of g‘i§H:;;g°gg_b° the council of administration, be dismissed from the service, and be l ineligible to a reappointment as sutler in the service of the United States. Approved, March 19, 1862. Cru?. XI4V`I}I.—An Ac! to provide for the Appointment of Clerks in the Office ¢y"the March 19, 1862. Assistant Treasurer at Boston, to fix their Salaries, and provide for the Absence of the _""`- Assistant Treasurer, andfwr other Purposes. Be it enacted by the &nate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the first f(2¢{k;i¥10¤£°¤ day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in lieu of the clerks g·‘.e§§€r[}n Bob heretofore authorized and provided, the Assistant Treasurer at Boston ton. be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, with the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury, one chief clerk at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and one djsbursing clerk at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, and one other clerk at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum, and one messenger at a salary of seven hundred dollars per annum ; and the compensation for such clerks P6}'- for the current and next fiscal year be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. _ Sec. 2. Aml be it furiher enacted, That, in case of the sickness or Chief clerk unavoidable absence of the Assistant Treasurer, he may, in his discre- X;’§;*t;;:‘°,&,;’;“_ ifi0D, authorize the chief clerk to act; in his place, and to discharge all u,,,._ · the duties required by law of the Assistant Treasurer. Approved, March 19, 1862. .
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