THIRTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 157. 1862. 541 execute deeds of release to the parties holding “possessory ” or “ equita- Dwis of ble possessory claims ” to the said three thousand three hundred and fifty- "2°“f£ b° three acres of land, or any portion thereof, as described in the reports E M ’ made to the governor and council of Maine by Ebenezer Hutchinson and others, commissioners under a resolution passed by the legislature of said State on the twelfth day of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and the plan of surveys accompanying said reports, and of record in the land office of said State: And provided, also, That it shall appear to the satisfaction of the land agent of said State of Maine that such deeds of release do elfectually convey a good title to said lands, except so far as and to convey said titles have been affected by the operation of the treaty aforesaid: g°°d *m°· And provided further, That if it shall appear to the said land agent that If P¤¤‘*i¤¤ ¢>¤¤ the aforesaid parties are incompetent to make such deeds of release to the EQQVQKQQLY E;"’ whole of said lands, then they shall be entitled to receive a pro rata only ceixie only part. of the compensation provided in this act for so much thereof as they shall convey as aforesaid. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury Puy¤w¤¤ *0 be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pay, out of any unappro· mgdmmd M°°‘ printed money in the treasury, to Edmund Monroe and Benjamin Sewall, éenamin of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, the sum of thirteen thousand S¤w¤1l» five hundred and forty dollars, in the proportion of three-fourths thereof to the former and one-fourth to the latter, in full compensation for three thousand three hundred and eighty-tive acres of land, including the timber previously taken therefrom, in the western half of “Plymouth township," so called, in the State of Maine, and the sum of six thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars to Rufus Mansur, of Houlton, Maine, and Rufus M¤¤¤¤r. James A. Drew, of Chelsea, Massachusetts, in full compensation for six- A' teen hundred and ninety-two acres of land, including the timber previously taken therefrom, in the eastern half of said township, to which the said parties severally lost title by the operation of the fourth article of the aforesaid treaty: Provided, That the regulations, restrictions, and pro— Proviso. visions contained in the provisos to the first section of this act shall be made, to all intents and purposes, applicable to this section. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury Payment to be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any money in the treasury b,;“‘“`“ A' smb' not otherwise appropriated, to Laura A. Stebbins, of Bangor, Maine, and géumgue 0, Catherine C. Ward, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, the sum of six thou— WE}, d M sand six hundred and forty-seven [dollars] ; and to Edmund Monroe and m_ mm °"' Benjamin Sewall, of the city of Boston, in Massachusetts, the sum of Benjamin seven thousand six hundred•and thirty-five dollars, in the proportion of S°;;‘;js A three-fourths of the same to said Mom·oc, and one-fourth to said Sewall; 1),.,,,,, ` and to James A. Drew, of Chelsea, Massachusetts, and Rufus 'Mansur, of Rufus M¤¤Sur· Houlton, Maine, the sum of nine thousand three hundred and twenty-eight dollars; the said several sums being in full compensation, at the rate of one dollar per acre, for timber taken from lands owned by said parties, respectively, and located in the Eaton Grant and Plymouth township, (socalled,) in the State of Maine, and within the district recognized as the “ disputed territory," and which timber was taken off and lost to the proprietors in consequence of the diplomatic arrangement entered into between the United States and Great Britain in eighteen hundred and thirty-two, by which both parties agreed to abstain from the exercise of jurisdiction in said territory: Provided, That the payments authorized Proviso. and required by this act may be made, in whole or in part, at the option of the Secretary of the Treasury, in any of the bonds of the United States, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, which have been, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to be issued. Approved, July 12, 1862.
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