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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/770

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740 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 76. 1363. Penalty on Ny. entry of any goods, Wares, or m€l‘cbaDdiS6, 8l;ly.f6€, gratuity, or 0moIu· ¤¤¤¢¤9?¢¤*'°* ment whatsoever, such officer shall, on couvnctxon thereof, be remove;]

':°°gl?3_§`ty’t"yf°° from office, and shall be Hncd in any sum not exceeding. Eve. thousand

dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding two years, at the dnscrenon of the court. Co11¤.;¢mm¤y‘ Sm. 5. And be it further enacted, That the collectors of the several

  • ’°!°°’·° €°°d’ districts of the United States, in all cases of seizure of any goods, wares,
];,21 ogg3i? y - or merchandise, for violation of the revenue laws, the appraised value of

vnlue. ifit d¤¤ which, in the district wherein such seizure shall be mafia, shall onot exceed '£°{$°°°d one thousand dollars, bc, and they are hereby, authomzcd, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to release such goods on pay- ment of the appraised value thereo£ Oefenng pres- Sec. 6. And be it fhrther enacted, That if any person who shall be

  • £·&°·{,a;°¤Y engaged in the importation of goods, wares, or merchandise into the

,.,,:,5,;, hc;. United States, or who shall be interested as principal, clerk, or agent, in punished- the entry of any goods, wares, or merchandise, shall at any time make, or oifcr m make, to any officer of the revenue, any gratuity or present of any money or other thing of value, such person shall, on conviction thereof; be fined in any sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, or bc imprisoned not exceeding two years, at tho discretion of the court. In what men Ssc. 7. And be it further mactei That whenever ia shall be made to di$**i°*3;dS° appear, by aiiidavit, to the satisfaction of the district judge of any district

 tgggsmh within the United States, that any fraud on the revenue has been at any

for apd seize time actually committed, or attempted, by any person or persons inter-

°‘°°“» P“P°”· ested or in any way engaged in the importation or entry of merchandise

at any port within the United States, said judge shall forthwith issue his warrant, directed be the collector of the port at which the merchandise in respect to which said alleged frauds have been committed or attempted has been imported or entered, directing said oiHco1·, or his duly authorized agents or assistants, to enter any place or premises where any invoices, _ books, or papers relating to such merchandise or fraud are deposited, and c£;Y10:z¤»g>·· to take and carry the same away to be inspected; and any invoices, gmmm Y books, or papers so received or taken shall be retained by the officer rcceiving the sums, for the use of the United States, so long as the retenggxf thereoff rlnixagfrbe necessary, subject to the control and direction of the icitnr o t c rcusu . Wilful conceal- Sec. 8. And be it jhzhw enacted, That if any person shall wilfully cong'::';)‘?€n‘:,'B’g::‘ ccal or destroy any invoice, book, or paper relating to any merchandise &c,,h0w Pun-, liable to duty which has been or shall hereafter be imported into the i¤h¢d· United States from any foreign port or country, after an inspection thereof shall have been demanded by the collector of any collection district within the United States, or shall at any time conceal or destroy any such invoice, book, or paper, for the purpose of suppressizw any evidence of fi·aud therein contained, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof; be punished by fine not exceeding Eve thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding U _ two years, or_b0th, qt the discretion of the court. m3°::=;):;1*:;J{ve Sec. 9. And be nt jindwr enacted, That, for the purpose of realizing ],md,_°mnmm as much as may properly be done from unproductive lands, and other acpublicaumon. property of the United States acquired under judicial proceedings or otherwise in the collection of debts, the solicitor of the treasury bc, and he xs hereby, authorized, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to rent, for a period not exceeding three years, or sell any such lands orlqtbcr property at public sale, after advertising the time, place, and conditions of such sale, for three months preceding the same, in some newspaper published in the vicinity thereof, in such manner and upon

ggrgms as may, m his judgment, be most: advantageous to the public

°f%=g¥{\I¤:3£V<>¤‘ S20. 10. And 6e it fur:/wr enacted, That upon a report by a district