INDEX. 961 Alberts, Emesilné, _ _ American Baptist Home Mission Soefy, (continued.) damages awarded to, by commissmners certain Ottawa Indians to be deterof claims .. 692 mined by commissioners . 624 Alcahaz Islafidi American Iron and Steel, appropriations for fort upon . . . 377, 469 appro riation for machinery for testing . 547 Alcohol, _ _ American geamen, excise tax to be remitted upon, if used appropriations for relief and protection by colleges, &c., for scientific purposes, 468 of, in foreign countries 1% 474 who to make application and give for expenses in rescuing from ship; bond . . 468 wreck and acknowledgment penalty 1f used except for the specified thereof 144, 474 purposes ...,... 468 Amiss, Hiram L., Alders, Margaret, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 payment to, for live-stock . 713 Ammunition, Ale, _ appropriation for testing improvements in, 261 internal tax upon .. 246, 249 Anderson, Alexander, by whom to be paid .. 246 claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 757 Alegcandcr, Georqe A., Anderson, Anchy, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 763 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 Alexander, Thomas J., Anderson, Eliza B., homestead application of} declared valid, 687 payment to, in recognition of valuable damages awarded to, by commissioners services rendered by her late husband, of claims .. 691 Major Robert Anderson . . . 705, 706 Algiers, Anderson, Francis M., pay to consul at, for extraordinary ser- damages awarded to, by commissioners vices during the late war in Europe . 123 of claims .. 691 "Alice Tarltun/’ The Dutch Bark, Anderson, Samuel, American register to issue to 49 damages awarded to, by commissioners Alienation, of claims _ .. 692 of title to mining claims, conveyed by Andersonville, Georgia, patent ... 94 condemned cannon, &c., for national Aliens, cemetery at . 64 removal from State courts to circuit Andes, Lorenzo D., courts of personal actions by, against claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 certain civil officers of the United Andrews, Joseph J., States ... 44 claim ot§ allowed by commissioners . . 750 Allder, James, Andrews, William, payment to, for live-stock . 713 claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 767 Alleged Outrages in Southern States, Andrews, William N,, appropriations for expenses of joint se- damages awarded to, by commissioners lect committee on 27, 348, 614 of claims . . . . . . 692 Allen, Andrew, "Andrew Stewart," The Schooner, damages awarded to, by commissioners name changed to "Bamett Jones " . . 616 of claims . . . . . . 692 Animals, _ Allen, Edward G., act to prevent cruelty to, while in transit payment to, for books purchased . . . 686 by railroad, &c., within the United Allingron, Thomas T., States . .· . _. . .. 684 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 not to be carried m cars or vessels for Allen, Lewis D., more than twenty-eight consecutive claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 749 hours, without, &c. . : . . _. 684, 585 Allen, Thomas, food and care of, to constitute a lieu . . 686 payment to, for printing done 691 lien how enforced . . . 685 Allen, Young W., Ankeny, H. G., damages awarded to, by commissioners payment to . . . . . . 680 of claims .. 692 Annapolis, _ _ _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 appropriations for naval hospital at, 150, 661 Alley, Crawford, for naval academy at . . 156, 614, 662 claim o£ allowed by commissioners . . 757 Annuities, §~c., _ _ _ Almanac, Nautical, appropriations for delwery of} to Indians appropriations for .. 146, 548 in Minnesota and Michigan . . 188, 460 Almond, John F., Annudiss·and{·1ll0wanccs, _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 of diminished Izndian tribes, plan for "A. L. PaImer," The Brig, equitably extinguishing, to be sub- American register to be issued to . . . 40 mitted . _ . . Z . . . . t. . . 189 Alvis, Elizabeth, none to be paul to tribes at war with the 9 claim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 741 _Un1ted States . . .. . 18 Amendments, Artsonia, Conn., G d of writs of error, and other process, in condemned cannon, &c., to the ran 617 courts of the United States 197 Army of the Republic at . American and British Claims Commission, "A One," The Bark, appro riations for . 422, 474, 631 payment to owners of, for losses zig? 682 American gaptist Home Mission Society, tamed . . . . . . . . . , claim 0 right under a trust in respect to Apache ]ndulnS,_ 10 440 education created by treaties with appropriation for the . , von. xvu. 61
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