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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1002

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962 INDEX. Apache Indians, (continued.) Appropriations, (continued.) on reservations in Arizona and New States and British possessions b0— Mexico, appropriation for subsistence tween, &c. . . . . 43, 437 and care of . . 539 for reporting and printing the debates in only for those on reservations and Congress for the 42d Congress . . . 47 who refrain from hostilities . . 539 for the legislative, executive, and judi- Apachcs, cial expenses of the government, 61-85, appropriation for subsistence of the, 132, 166 485-509 who to have benefit of . 166 for pay of surfmen, at lifesaving stations Appeal, on New Jersey coast .. 90 from auditor of the treasury for Post- for salaries of officers, &c., of Reform office Department to first comptroller School of the District of (`volumbia . 119 of the treasury 288 for new site and buildings for this decision of comptroller to be final . . 288 school .. 119 Appeals, for erection of public building in Rockto the supreme court of the United land, Me . _ . . 121 States, from circuit courts . . 196, 197 deficiencies for the year ending June 30, to circuit courts from, &.c. . . 196, 197 1872 . . 122-134 security upon, to be given in sixty days, for consular and diplomatic expenses, 142- or afterwards by permission of the 145, 471-474 court ... . . . . . 198 for the naval service , . 145-154, 547-556 Appeals in Prize Cases, for the Military Academy, 154-156, 479·48l supreme court may allow amendments for furnishing trusses to disabled soldiers, 164 in, &e. ... 556 for the Indian Department, and fulfil- Apportionment, ling treaty stipulations with Indian of representatives in Congress according tribes ... 165-191, 437-464 to the ninth census, after March 3, for public building at Utica, N. Y. . . 194 1873 ... 28, 192 for payment to John Potts for services in new States afterwards admitted . 28 as disbursing clerk ... 195 number apportioned to any State to be for the Post-office Department, 199-202, 656- proportionably reduced, if the right to 559 vote is denied or abridged, except, &ic., 29 to build a new jail in the District of_ Appraisemeut, Columbia . . 211 of foreign market value of gloves im- for pensions, transfer of .. 230 ported and protected by trade-mark . 559 for the support of the army, 258-261, 543-546 Appmisms Stores, for public building at Little Rock, Arin Pliiladelpliia, appropriation for addi- kansas ... 280 tional machinery for .. 126 to reimburse marshals for extra expenses App¢·emi'¢·e.s. See Shiliping-Commissioners. necessarily incurred in taking the provisions concerning, under shipping- ninth census . 339 commissioners' act . 263, 264 for payment to Connecticut, for amounts form of account ot, on board certain ves- advanced to pay extra surgeons, &c., 842 sels 279 for artesian well, on the Fort D. A. Apprent1'cz'ng Boys to Sea Service, Russell military reservation . . . . 344 shipping-commissioners to aid in . 263, 264 for the completion and publication of the conditions of apprenticeship . . 203, 204 medical and surgical history of the apprenticeship, when to terminate . . 26-1 rebellion ... 338 fees for services concerning . . . 264 to reimburse State of Kansas forexpen es register of indentures to be kept . 264 incurred in suppressing the rebellion . S14 Appropriations, to reimburse Kentucky for like expenses, 346 [For details of the appropriations for the for sundry civil expenses of the governarmy, civil expenses, consular and ment ... 347-369, 5l0—530 diplomatic expenses, deficiencies, for- for the repair, &c., -0f public works on tiiications, Indian Department, legis- rivers and harbors . . 370-376, 560-506 lative, &c., navy, pensions, Post-ofiioe for the construction, &c., of fortiiications, Department, and rivers and harbors, and other works of defence, 376, 377, 408, see those titles.] 409 for defraying expenses of ninth cen- for statue of General John A. Rawlins . 383 sus ... 23, 339 for erection of public building at Raleigh, for expenses of mixed British and N. C. 390 American claims commission . .24, 422 to reimburse State of Nevada for exfor expenses of tribunal of arbitration at penses of courts and prison, while a Geneva ... 24 territory ... 391 for site and building for custom-house, to pay expenses of commission appointed &c., at Chicago 24 to inquire into depredations by Infor expenses of joint select committee dians, &c., on frontier of Texas. 396, 406 on alleged outrages in the Southern for custom house and posboffice at Bath, States ... 27 Mc . 397 of embassy from Japan . 30 deficiency for year ending June 30, 1873, 405 deficiency for Post-office Department . 31 for removal of sunken wreck from the for invalid and other pensions . . 31, 407 channel way 0tfSandy Hook . . . 406 for public building at Trenton, N. J. . 42 for keepers of life-saving stations and tor joint commission to determine the crews of surfmen on Cape Cod and boundary line between the United Block island .. . . . 410