INDEX. 963 Appropriations, (continued.) Arickarees, for construction of light-draught snag- appropriation for the . . . . . 440 boats G) ply on wztezs of the Missis- Arickare Indians, · i sippi, l issouri, an rkansas rivers . 418 a. ro riation for . m pay Omerio County, New York, for Arizoz5FT;)r¤·irnqy, Support of 540 gg; eigipgilding for courthouse and 419 appropriations for territorial government -4 · .. in ‘ for pavilion hospital near San Francisco, 421 for office of surveyor-gen®ai§) éliglgygriz for post-office and c0urt~h0use in New ,505; 615 York city ,. 422 for Indian service in . . . 186, 187) 459 for expenses of investigations as to elec- for survey of public lands in . 357; 516 tions in Kansas, Louisiana, and Ar- . to pay for property taken to extend kansas ... 423 Camp Mohave military reservafor public building at Atlanta, Ga,. . . 436 tion in . . 467 for public building at Covington, Ken- p0st—r0ads established in 101, 587 tucky 465 corpomtors of the Centennial Board of to pay for property taken to extend the Finance from . 204 military reservation at Camp Mohave, 467 adjourned terms of the supreme court for public building at Memphis, Tenn. . 470 of} may be held 404 at Lincoln, Nebraska . 470 mileage of clerk of .. 404 at Dover, Delaware .. 471 Gila land district established in . 465, 466 for expenses of investigating the recent Arkansas, seiiatorial election in Kansas . 479, 484 post-roads established in, 17, 25, 101, 102, 382, for deficiencies for year ending June 30, 687 1874, and other purposes . . . 531-543 representation of} in Congress according for payment to Japan for rent, &c., of to the ninth census . . . 28 lands, &c., used by the United States time for holding circuit court iu, estabfor jails ... 582 lished 135 for public building in Parkersburgh, corporators of the Centennial Board of West Virginia 611 Finance from . 204 _ in Jersey City, New Jersey . . . 613 college scrip to be issued to . 397 to complete military road from Santa 621 State filnstéobfunfl clertuindoéd bonds Fé to Taos .. ‘ now e y t ie nite tales us to erect a monument at Salisbury, N. C., Indian trust funds . . ·. . : . 397 to the memory of the soldiers who appropriation for expenses of investigadied in prison and are there buried . 625 tion as to elections in .. 423 for investigation of the causes of steam- Arkansas River, _ _ boiler explosions 629 railroad, wagon, and tmnsitlbridge, to for commission to locate the northern be constructed and maintained across boundary of Round valley reserve- 634 the, by theIlji;{;leRR0l<ik'BRd§e Com- N3 tion pany, near 1 e oc , in r zmszns . .· for the international exposition at Vienna, 637 Armfsfend, Ememuel W., _ _ Aqueduct, lVashing/an, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 appropriations for .. 366, 527 Armorzes ami Arsena/s, Arapahoe Indians, appropriation for, at appropriation for subsistence of certain . 10 Benicia .. 363 appropriations for the, 166, 167, 177, 440, ghftrlegtogi . . . . . e o um u . .. . . Secretary of the Interior to negotiate Qetroit . . with, for release of land ceded to them, Port Monroe 63 and for what consideration 190 Fort limon r 363 Arbitration, Btranktord . . . . . 363 in the Alabama claims 863-867 Ixennebec . . . . . 36% in claims other than the Alabama claims, Leavenworth 6% 867-869 New York 363 in the matter of alleged privileges of sea, liock Island . . . 36 , 364 fisheries granted to the United States b31l1iiLO\1l§ . . . . . 364 by Great Britain 871 SHH·AHIOH10 . . . . 362 in the matter of a portion of the boun- Springfield . . . .. 854 dary line between the United States Vancouver . 364 and British possessions 875, 876 Washington . 364 A7`blAtTdt[0IZ aa Geneva, U Watertown . 364 appropriation for expenses of tribunal Wetervliet . 364 of . 24 for repairsorfl sngaller . .. 625 . · . . appropria io · . . . ._ . Albligiiiiei, agreemeng gvith Singin, powggrg 840 A mmfo;7gnee3évation of ordnance Stores iu, 546 'uri di ·zi0n, an uties 0 . . , f Q , _ _ » Mvgards; oi, to be final and conclusive . 810 appropriations for manufzicture of agrénfs 546 Archives, Robe],` '``` ° i i ·· l y · appropriation to enable the Secretary of I no part to lie eicpeiziecguntil, &¤- - 261 War to have examination of, made . 79 Armory cquarc, Wwgléi/IQ", ·_n ·: mmed to Afickaree, Gros Venue, and Mrmdan Indians, I use of eertannl Fun r éngsnis hgucf ASSO- appropriations for the subsistence, civil- the_I\a¥ona& ree me · U 12 ization, &c., of . 132, 166, 167 1 · ciation or, c. ..
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1003