964 INDEX. Arms, Army, (continued.) a. supply ot] to be placed at the disposal soldier by sentence of court-martial of the governor of Montana Territory made illegal ... . . 261 to distribute among settlers for defence word " corporeal " stricken from, &o. . 261 against the Indians ... 138 act authorizing the settlement of the to be returned when, &c . 138 accounts of officers of the, extended . 262 appropriation for manufacture of at ns- law forbidding promotions, &c., in the tional armory ... 261, 546 engineer department of the, repealed . 382 no part to be expended until, &c. . 261 officers 0iQ hereafter retired, to be retired Arms and Ammunition, upon what rank 378 sale oi by traders in any district occu- appropriations for years ending pied by hostile, &c., Indians, prohib- June 30, 1878, and June 30, 1874, 268-261, ited 457 543-547 Arms and Military Equipments, commanding general’s omce . . . 258, 544 proper quota of, to be distributed to cer- recruiting and transportation of recruits. 258, tain states . . . . . . 608 544 no distinction to be made between adjutant-genera1’s department at headcompanies, &c., on account of race, quarters of divisions and departments, 258, color, &c. . 608 544 Armstrong, Ashbel, signal service 259, 544 damages awarded to, by commissioners pay of the army ... 259, 544 of claims .. 692 payment to discharged soldiers for cloth- Armstrang, Elyah JZ, ing not drawn . 259 damages awarded to, by commissioners subsistence .. . . 259, 544 of claims . . . . . . 692 transportation for officers . . . . 259, 544 Armstrong, Erasmus, general expenses 259 damages awarded to, by commissioners subsistence 259, 544 of claims .. 692 quartermaster’s department . . . 259, 544 Armstrong, F. B., incidental expenses of the . . 259, 544 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 horses for cavalry and artillery and In- Armstrong, James B., dian scouts 259, 545 payment to the heirs, &c., of 763 transportation of the army . . . 260, 545 proof that heirs remained loyal . . . 763 public transports . 260, 545 Armstrong, John T., water . . _ . . . 260, 545 damages awarded to, by commissioners obstructions, roads, harbors, rivers, 260, of claims . · . 691 545 Armsfrong, Mary, hire, &c., of quarters, huts, repairs, &c., 260, pension to .. . . . . . 659 545 Army, heating and cooking stoves . 260 chief medical purveyor of the, to be clothing and camp equi age . 260, 545, 546 appointed . . 40 when new uniform is distributed, clothpay of the enlisted men of the, estab- ing of the old style to be sold at lished . 116, 117 auction, &c. .. 545 additional, for last three years of gross proceeds of sale to be covered enlistment .. . . 116 into the treasury .. 545 not to be paid until, &c., and sales of stores and material . 260 when to be forfeited . . . 116 army contingencies .. 260, 546 of re-enlisted men . 116, 117 medical and hospital department . 260, 546 part to be retained and forfeited, if, chief medical purveyor to supervise pur- &c. .. . 117 chase of supplies 546 not affected by sentence of court- construction and repairs of hospitals. . 260 martial . 117 medical museum and medical works, 260, 546 of enlisted men now in the service . 117 medical works for library of surgeonenlisted men of the, may deposit savings general’s office .. 260, 546 with army paymasters . 117 surgical apparatus and appliances for deposits forfeitable by desertion . . . 117 relief of certain disabled persons not not by sentence of courtmartiai . 117 before provided for ... 260 exempt for soldier’s debts 117 report to Congress .. 260 government liable for . 117 army medical museum .. 260 interest allowable on what sums . 117 engineer department at Willett’s point, 260, clothing, amount of overdrawn to be 546 charged to soldiers ... 117 ponton boats, &c . , . . . 260 minors not to be enlisted into, without national military cemeteries . . . 260, 645 the written consent of parents or guar- headstones to be of what material, dedians, if, &c 117, 118 sign, and weight 545 penalty upon officers for knowingly contract for supplying, how to be violating this law .. 118 awarded ... . . 545 appointment of certain omcers in the to include furnishing and setting, 546 quartermastefs department of the, model, size, &c., how determined . 545 authorized .. 214 siege and mining material . 261 paymaster-general of the, may be ap- trials with torpedoes for harbor and land pointed ... 219 defence . 261, 546 rank, pay, &c., of .. 219 ordnance service ... 261, 546 branding or marking on the body of any metallic ammunition for small arms, 261, 646
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