INDEX. 965 Armgréngnglgscigs in arsenals 261 545 AmmalS’ (gonmmed`) . . . , · g · seacoast cannon and carriages . . 261 546 m?£nen€tnv1g{dli?Wn from auctpn SMB, F manufacture of arms at national armor ,261 e ·ug est bid IS unSamfaPmTy’ G1`) .Y» , when wxuhdrawn, may be agam oftt b I d _ 646 fared, and how ... 615 u0 0 cexpcmf untxlabrcecb land to be appraised, and not to be sold oa rng system or muskets and for less than twmthirds of appraised éarbxnes xs adopted by a. board, value . 615 c. .. . 261 Se A· ·' dA· al.- • l board to consist of whom . . 261 Artesian Wpll,9 Hawes an mm S sy;$1;g;2en agogggg to be the upgronrgatign §>r sinking an, cm the
or . . ussell militar recrv - no royalty to be pa1d . . . . 261 tion, in Wyoming 'Ibrritoryy. .5 . a. 344
exggrngsggs and tests of heavy rxggii Arlfcles of Agreement. See S/zzpping-Comm[s· . .., o smners. to gkapplied tg at least three models, with seamen, on certain voyages, form eavy or nance .. of . 278 to 1;; des1gnated by a board of Feneml provisions concerning . . 264-266 0 cars egibl co ‘ it b at d' l' . . 265 report to include breech and Artgfcial Eimblgsfg. 0 gpm 0 msup
muzzle loading guns . . . 261 appropriations for . . Sl, 407
for testing, &c., M0fEa¤’s breechloading or commutation for same, to be fur· Held—p10ces .. 261 nished to all officers, and enlisted or Jamei gJrockett’s graduating, &c., nired men, of the land and naval car uc ge . orces, who have lost limbs or the use Willis Moore’s patent metallic thereof, &c. .. 338 cartrx ge . transportation 338 other improvements in ammunition, 261 the term of five years, when such limbs Gatling guns of light calibre 546 are to be supplied anew, when to comexperirnents and tests of two Gatling mence . 338, 339 guns of large calibre .. 646 Ashe, Samuel A., and of systems of heavy ordnance . 546 political disabilities removed from . . 732 and of any system of utilizing or im· Ashford, Hamet, proving cast;-iron guns, now in the claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 service .., . . . 546 Ashley, Austin, projcctilcs for heavy guns . 546 claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 746 exclxamre of powder . ... 546 Ashley, Ifalzinson, inthmr;4 cavalry, and artillery equip- claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 741 ments .,.. 5 As more, David, improved marchiner and instruments claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 Y {br testing American iron and steel . 547 Ashton, Frank M., Army Bledical A1 useum, to be appointed second assistant engmcer ayngropriations for . 79, 260, 546 in Mx nav; . 484 Army ensz0ns, Aspuzwqll, ew {wana a, appropriations for .. . 31, 407 resudencnuaxl agency established at . . 289 provisions concerning pensions of 0iH- Assay Camnusgumers, cars and enlistegrnen 667-577 uatest wexgha fac., of coms, annually . Sec ensions. w 10 to consti u e ... . Army Regu/a/ions, to meet when and where . . 432 modified in relation td duplicate certiti- their dutws, anrl report .. 432 A n°f$” ZfZ“°*‘“’g° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 582 A”"5$1E§{ ‘§FS‘2Y,"‘YLTZZp0n with those of mo , ran .,» ’“` damages awarded to, by commissioners assayjgg of rnéntsM } . . 433 0f claims .. .` ssayers q mts. ee uz s, c. Arrears of Pensions. See Pensions. appointments, powers, and dutxes who entitled to receive .. ‘ ‘ ‘- ‘ . d dl f . . . 42",426 ‘° be W “"°“»?"’~‘*‘°“‘°“ ·‘ k ‘ ’ Eg €Z‘“é;E§ILgf"L 53.-*&%$’ms of d€pm" 424
no pay for serv1¢,e> 1H applying or . . S » 42é
- 68 , . .
0t>Sezm1ey1 deserting, &c. . . 274 Assalriggiggg g; %;£;'£1;*: WH: 433
TSEHU S, r _ ’ .` ' 1PM1C1S and tenements, used for arsenal 0(Twers of, Lhenr Oath, bond, SJJATIGS, and purposes, belonging to the United d¤{1<‘S · · ·_ -1 · ·‘‘‘‘ States to be sold 380 Assay Qfhcesgfl/ze ?n ¢$r tales, 72 78 498 €%°“°’f ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ SSB SS¥{L§’§’,f2·2·"§’,TEr(?,lriQSO; ni I . 1 fw
380 certain oinces of, at Boise city, almlishcd
N l l' . . 380 July 1, 1872 . 73 Rgln; Cam ma· l ~ l 380 legal names of the difYerenb, under the approprmtmns for .. 363, 515 ¢<>j¤¤9¢’ QM ‘> . . for preservation of ordnance stores in, 546 at New York, 0m?€1"S Of, W91I' aPP0mt 433 at Benicia .. 525 m€¤€,d¤¤<¤Sf &¤Lr { { ‘ *‘433 at Rock Island Edo 0¤¢h, b<>¤< , fm $3 a ···' 433 at San Antonio 626 busmess of the · · · · ·