966 INDEX. Aiwsvr of Internal Revenue. See Internal Assistant Seqretaries1;2fLe§;at§on, f 142 471 472 evenue. appropriations or sa aries 0 , with assistant to make surveys of distil- shall hereafter be called second secrej 472 levies, at the expense of the United taries . r .. States, and estimate their capacity . 239 Assistant Staretartes of State, written report in triplicate, and to appropriations for the . 66, 492 whom to be sent . . . . . . 239 Asszstant Secretaries of the Treasury, to determine each month whether dis- appropriations fonthe . . . . 66, 492 tillcr has accounted for all spirits pro- 244 Asszstaitt becgetazy Etaé? M I 4 18 3 486 duced by him . sa aryo , esta is e rom 1. arc 1 , 7 duties Of, in respect to breweries and 246 Assistant Secretary tg; the Interpor, 74, 502 brewers . 245, appropriations or pay o . . . in respect to dealers, manufacturers, salary_of, established from March 4, 1873; 486 and peddlers of tobacco . . 250, 255 Asszstant becrotary q[ the Treasury, to estimate the amount of tax omitted salary of, established from March 4, 1873, 486 to be paid on certain tobacco and as- Asszstant Surgeons, Extra, sessthe same . 252 payment to Connecticut, for amounts designated for each new collection dis- advanced to pay, for services rendered trict. to give bond . . . 257 prior to Jheiri xguster into the service 342 office of, abolished on or before, &c. . . 401 of the United States . . . . . . duties oi, to be performed by collectors . 401 to other States, for like payments, transfer of books, and papers, and final upon proper vouchers . . 342 account . . . . . 401, 402 Assistant Surgeons. See Surgeons. Assessors. See Great Britain. amounts advanced by States to pay, to _ board of, to be appointed in reference to _ bfé 1‘¤>1ml>¤1‘S€d tv them ······ 600 the Alabama claims to determine Asszstant Treasnm-, _ upon the validity of claims gng 8 7 appropplatioréfpr office oi at Baltimore, 2 amount ofdama es . 6 , 6 at ew rezms . . . Asgssors and AssistantgAssessors of internal Assistant Treasarersfof al; United Sjgasé 495-497 venue appropria ions or e . _. ._ 1 , _ A appropriation for pay of .. 68 to be appointed at Cincinnati and Chi- 543 ssl ramen! Cago . . . . . . . `Z>f pension, void .. . . . 576 suitable rooms to be prepared for Asstgmrzerrt in Bankruptay, them . . . t . . . . . . . . 543 A certain property exempted from . . . 334 their POWQS, $1298. 33*} Pay · · · · sshtaboines, may appoint c er s an messengers . . appropriations for the . 167, 440 Astoria, Oregon, Assistant Aryatant- General, appropriations for custom—house at . 8, 126 one may be appointed, and with what Asylum, N¢1€¤l,_ psy and emoluments .. 578 =¤pprgpr¤=m<>pq for --···· 149. 551 Assistant Assessor g` Internal Revenue, “Atasca, The ohm, oimgegof, to cease on or before July 1, 401 puyénent to Michael F. Gannett, agent 688 . ... 0 . . _ ... See Assessor q" Internal Revenue, Atlanta, Qeorgza, _ Assistant Attorney-General, public building to be erected at, for appropriation for salary of additional . 6 COUFKS, post-office, &0· · . · · » · 436 Assistant Attorrzeys-(ieneral, appropriation therefor . I 486 appropriations for the . 82, 608 _ no money to he used, unnl, &c. . . 436 Assistant Attorney-General of Pospojtce De. Atlantzc and Pacgc gazlrogd Conipanpj, b artm t may issue on s an secure them y p appeointment, and salary of . . . 284, 285 ¥¤0¥‘¥g¤g¢% of its road, f1‘¤¤€hiS¢¤, sud Assistant Commissioner of Patents, lands . . _ . 19 apprgprimigpg fg]- {hg , , , , _ 76, Wl1mi to be pI‘O0f of GX6C11i10D of H10!'} 19 Assistant Journal Clerk Saga - - · _ g --·- _ ···· of the House of Ilepresentatives, appro- breach of °°“dm°“s of Orgamc “·F*·_bY prmmm fb,. _ 9 the, ·how far to affect those claiming Assismm MMS/mls, d Amdvigiglder the mortgage ... 20 appropriation forincrease compensation ’. . _ S . tor, for taking the ninth census . . . 12 rmxidgi :;:1 d°(g;¥;?2tl:gu;;u;; J; compensation heretofore allowed to, for United States pmvigions concerninv 197 ' . s' 7 ‘ 7:7 taking eensus to be exclusive of m1le— 9 of money due 8 pensioner void _ _ _ 576 A t 3**} I bb; LH(;'S' °``' none to issue against any banking assosronoimcot e I err t, · giajion or its property b€foX`6 mid lappropriation for certain .. 350 judgment in State court; _____ 603 Assistant Observers <zt1Vaual Observatory, Atfempls, 3PP¥'°Pfl¤*i°¤ fer --··· · · · 11 to commit crimes, provisions concerning Assistant P0stmasters—General, verdicts of guilty of in courts of the number, appointment, and removal of . 284 United States . . . . . 198 term of orlice and salaries of . . . 284 Attorneys, first assistant to act as postmaster-gem penalty upon, for unlawfully retaining eral when, &c. 285 or refusing to deliver the discharge appropriations for pay of the, &.c. . 78, 505 papers, or land warrants of any solpay of, established .. 508, 509 dier or sailor . . . . . . . . . 137
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