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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1022

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982 INDEX. Circuit Courts of the United Slafcs, (continued) Civil Expenses Appropriation, (continued) made the successor of the circuit lithograph press and materials 530 court, &c. . 477 Henry Douglass . 530 all process, &c., made valid . . . 476 civil service regulations .. 530 where to be deemed retumable, 476 customs, &c., laws of the United States transfer of cases pending in either cir- extended over territory ceded to the cuit 476 United States by the Emperor of Russia 530 clerk for eastern district whave custody public printing and binding, 510 of records, &c. . . 476, 477 for the court of claims and the Executive terms of, in Covington and Paducah, Departments . 510 Ky ... . . . . 484 amounts may be distributed to for the district of Alabama., certain cases bureaus and certified to public from the district courts for the mid- printer .. 510 dle and northern districts transferred repeal of law prohibiting the reporting, to ... 484, 485 &c., of debates in Congress, at public pending indictments and writs of expense ... 510 error_or appeals not affected . . 485 debates how to be printed . 510 to exercise appellate, &c.. jurisdic- circulars and report on life-insurance tion over district courts . . . . 485 statistics .. 510 appropriation fonpurchase of law re- lithographing, mapping, and engraving, 510 ports and statutes for distribution to the 512 Treasury DCPHYCIDCDI, 347, 510-512 deficiency appropriation lor the . . . 541 life-saving stations, superintendents, Circuit Jatlqe, keepers, surfmen, &c. . . 347, 510, 511 shall appoint as supervisors of elections, establishment ot) on the coasts of `upon written petition of ten citizens, Cape Cod and Block Island, 847, 510, two citizens of different political par- 511 ties, in each congressional district, 348, 349 all hereafter erected, to be erected power and authority of the judge . . . 349 under whose supervision . . . 847 to designate some district judge to do new life-saving stations .. 511 duty, &c. . 349 signal stations at light-houses and life- Circuit Jzulqes of the Zhziled States, saving stations . . . . 511 appropriations for the . 81, 507 revenue cutter service 347, 511 Citizenship, officers, crews, and rations . 847, 511 proof of, how to be made, in proceedings fuel, repairs, and outnts for vessels, 347, to obtain patents for mining claims . 94 511 how may be acquired by seamen . . . 208 marine hospital service, sick and disabled how gained in the United States by cit- seamen . 347, 511 izens of Sweden or Norway, 809, 810, 811 no part to be used, &c., except, &c. 347 when held to be renounced by_such Secretary of the Treasury may sell hoscitizens ... 812, 813 pital and buildings at New Orleans, how gained in Sweden and Norway by and purchase a more healthy site, and citizens of the United States, 809, 810, 811 erect st hospital thereon . 511 provisions concerning the gaining, &c., limit to cost 511 in the treaty with the Austro-Hungw materials of old hospital may be rian Monarchy .. 834-836 used in the new .. 511 City Hall Building, Washington, D. O., national currency, expenses of, &c., 343, 512 appropriation for purchase of the inter- replacing mutilated bank-notes and pre— e t of the District of Columbia in the, 540 paring new circulating notes . . . 512 amount to be determined by ap- expenses to be reimbursed 512 praiscr .. 540 detection and punishment of counterpurcliase-money, how tube applied, 540 feiting the securities of the United land for new building ... 540 States, and other frauds upon govern- United States not to be liable there- ment .. 348, 512 for ... 540 Warrington Sommers . 348, 514 'Cfty of Porrlancl," the Steamer. See "Ncw Senate ... 348 Eng/and." whe Steamer. folding documents, &c ... 348 new register to be granted to . . . _. 610 expenses of joint select committee upon Civil Emali/ishment at Navy Yards, alleged outrages in Southern States . 348 appropriations for . . . 146-153, 547-554 J\1dici3l'¥]_ .. 348 Civil Expensrs A ppropriatfon, expenses of nited States courts . 348, 512 appropriations for civil expenses for the jurors and witnesses . 348, 512 years ending June 30, 1873, and June expenses of suits and prosecutions, 348, 512 30, 1874 .. 347-3o9, 510-530 of enforcing civil rights act, 348, 349, no part to be paid as commissions 512 upon any labor or materials fur- in any congressional district, prior to nished the United States . . . 361 any registration or clection tor, &c., State Departrnent 529, 530 if ten citizens of, &c., shall in writing expenses of commission for marking desire such election, &c., to be seruluoundary line between the United tinized, the circuit judge shall, within, States and British possessions . . . 529 &c., open court at, &c., and appoint balance of appropriation mr expenses two citizens of different political parunder treaty with Great Britain, of ties, &c., su ervisors of election . . 348 May 8, 1871, may be applied to fulfil power and jurisdiction of the court, 348, treaty stipulations ... 529 349