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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1023

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INDEX. 983 Gwtl Expenses t{lp1'"`0P1`}¤!¤¤*¢, (¤0¤U¤¤€d·l Cwil Expenses_Appr0priation, (continued.) pay o supervisors . , 349 gqgt, Ofjlhn C 1 d certain persons uotto beuppointed g mm an sewer' 350’ 351 B..,wr sors . .. so "“§F3$Z§S$§£ei%tZ° “‘““° “"°“ “"‘ sr _ or-deputy marshals . I. . . 849 Hlled land to belong to the United gurnc circuit court commissioner m each States _________· 351 gudicial circuit to_be appointed chief no future obligation of the United supervisor of elections . . 349 States . . 351 esoh circuit judge to designate some conveying electoral vote n I· I .35] district Judge to do duty under this construction of revenue vessels. . - 351 act, c. ... 349 furni ‘ ‘ l' L words zanyé person " in former act to inéslmi a31d.!-ipat”.0i pilbljc 514 mc u e, c. . 349 fuel, lights, and . ’ appointment of additional marshals or heatiingappuatmgatfr . deputies not authorized hereby . . . 349 vaults, safes, and locks 351I 514 supervisors to have no power to make photographing, &c., plans of publid arrests, rc. . . · 349 buildin s only to be present and witness pro- care and ipairs of public buildings, ceedmgs, &c. ... 849 City of Charlestown, for paving sldesup?oét,l&c.¥) of convicts from the District walks, &c., adjacent to Navy Yard . 351 0 0 um ia . . . . . . . 849 512 Charles W. Seaton for use of tall in special counsel, legal services, &c., machine. . . , .. y. 351 British claims commission 849 supervising inspectors of steam-vessels . 351 claims convention with Mexico . . . 849, contractors for carrying the mails, 351, 352 512 Edward R. Fer uson ... 352 defence of suits against the Secretary of rccoinage of gogi coins .. 352 the Treasury for seizure of captured redeeming, &c., minor coinage 352 and abandoned property . . . 512 ofncers and crew of the “Kearsuge" for no part to lawyers for professional destruction of the Alabama 352 services . 349 pneumatic tube for the transmission of report to Congress .. 349 books, packages, &.c. . . 352 detection and prosecution of crimes funeral expenses of the late Admiral against the United States . . . 350, 512 Farragut .. 352 prosecution and collection of claims purchase, &c., of historical documents due the United States 350, 512 relating to early discoveries in the collection of captured and abandoned northwest by the french . 513 property . 350, 514 statue of Edward lhclnnson Baker . . 513 law reports for circuit and other courts 512 plan for new building for library of Con- 10 be distributed by the Depart- 512 gress . _. _. . _ . I ... ment of Justice ... commissioner in c iarge volume seventeenth, Statutes at Large . 512 crippled, &c., soldiers employed by doorviolation of intercourse acts 512 keeper of the House .. 614 frauds in the Indian service , 512 standard weights and measures . . . 514 increased fees of jurors and witnesses, 5}% transit of Vemrs .b d ._n£0 é 514 o no par 0 e covere 1 completing revision of the statutes , . 513 treasury until, &c. . . 2 . . . 514 City Hall building in the District of public vessels may be detailed . . 514 Columbia. occupied by the Supreme rebel steamer “Sumter _ . 514 Court of the District .. 513 naval academy, Annapolis, purchase of nuiscclluneous 350,.513, 514 land for-_ ._ .. 514 statistics of mines and mining . . 350, 513 Jurisdiction to first ceded . . . 514 gwlogicsl survey by Professor Hayden, exptgnesesuogocomgitgeeaten alleged out- 514 o ra s . maps, charts, &c., to illustrate the geo- Publtc Buildings under the_Tr;us- 624 bgical surve . _ ,,.,,,,, 513 ury Department 3¤2, Sig, 525 survey of the golorzdo of the West by Treasury building . . . . D , Pfofessor Powell .. 350, 513 building for State, War an avy gre- 528 inquiry into the cause of the decrease of partments o , fwd fishes ,,.. 350, 513 for court-houses at 358 528 iiitfoduction of shad, salmon, whitensh, Albany ..·. , 352 Mid other food fishes, into waters of Baltimore . 524 the United States , 350, 513 Boston I ..· gw- 853 m¤SU"ation of report of commissioner of Cincinnati S. C. . .··· 352, 623 fish and fisheries ...,,... 513 Columbéa, ... , 353 $·SU"011Omical observations by coast sur- 350 . . . . · · · · · 353 VGY . . . ,,,,, V _ . Thomas Donaldson ... 300 Madison .. C-`M. Lockwood ,.,,,,,, 350 Nashville]; C: ... . 528 S€0F<>tary of Wyoming Territory. , , 350 New Yo: {ty . · 353 paving in the District of Columbia . . 3o0 Ogdens urg . gms 523 I`&ll1‘03dS prohibited on certain streets Omaha] l._ . . · · · · · I :523 and squares ...,..,.. 350 Phi a epua . l ·524 110 more street railroads without the Rale1gL 2 ...·· .U 624 consent of Congress ... 350 Samt outs .