984 INDEX. Civil Expenses Appropriation, (continued.) Civil Expenses Appropriation, (continued.) for custom-houses at for fog-signal at Point Hueneme to re- Albany . . . . 358, 528 vert to treasury 522 Boston .. 523 light-house establishment, 356, 520 Charleston . . . . . . . 358, 528 refitting and improving light-houses, 356, Chicago . . . . . . . . 528, 524 520 , Cincinnati . . . . . 362, 353, 523 keepers and assistants . . . 355, 520 Fall River . . . .. 523 seamen’s wages, repairs of vessels, 356, Hartford . . . ... 853 4 520 Knoxville . . . . 523 buoy , beacons, &c. 356, 520 Machias . 352 fog-signals ... 356, 520 Nashville . 523 inspecting lights . 356, 520 New Orleans . . . . . . 352, 523 light-houses, &c., on the Atlantic New York City ... 523 and Pacitic coasts 356, 520 Ogdensburgh 358 Department of the Interior, 356, Omaha . . . . . . . . . . 352 515-522 Port Huron . 523 public lands, expenses of office of sur- Portland, Oregon . . . . . . . 524 veyor-general and of surveying, 356-358, Rockland, Me. . . . . . . . . 523 515, 516 Saint Louis . . . . . 524 Arizona Territory . . . 357, 515, 516 San Francisco . . . . . . . . 524 California . . . . 356, 358, 515, 515 for post-ofiices at Colorado Territory . 356, 357, 515, 516 Albany . . . . . . . . 853, 523 Dakota Territory . . . 356,357, 515 Baltimore . . . .. 352 Florida. . . . . . 356, 357, 515 Boston 353, 524 Idaho Territory . . 356, 357, 515, 516 Cincinnati . . . . . . . 353, 528 Iowa . 357, 515 Columbia ... 352, 528 Kansas . 356-358, 515, 516 Hartford .. 353 Louisiana. .. 356, 357, 515 Indianapolis . . ... 353 Minnesota .. 856, 357, 515 Madison .. 353 Montana Territory 357, 515 Nashville. . . . . . 523 Nebraska .. 357, 515, 516 New York City . . . 528 Nevada . . . 356, 358, 359, 515. 516 Omaha . . . . 352, 624 New Mexico Territory, 357, 358, 515, 516 Philadelphia . . . . 523 Oregon . 357, 358, 515, 516 Port Huron . . '. . . 523 Utah Territory . . . 357, 358, 515, 516 Raleigh .. 524 WVashington Territory, 357, 358, 515, 516 Saint Louis . 524 Wyoming Territory . 357, 358, 515, 516 limit to cost of building at Cincinnati . 353 assistant treasurer at St. Louis . . 357 machinery for new branch-mint build- Fort Gratiot military reservation . 358 ing in San Francisco .. 353 surveying boundary of California . . 358 appropriations for public buildings under Colorado .. 516 the Treasury Department hereafter Kansas .. _ 858 made to be immediately available . . 352 Nevada .. 359 city of Albany to purchase part of site New Mexico 517 for government building in Albany . 523 NVy0ming Territory 358, 517 cost of site of building in Philadelphia between Idaho and Washington not to exceed, &c. . . . . . . . 523 Territory . 617 at Saint Louis, Mo. .. 524 examination to test public surveys, 517 additional land in Boston for post-oflice, 524 augmented rates in California and Washno money to be expended, until, &c., 524 ington Territory 858 nor land to be purchased 524 appropriation for surveys of public appropriations made immediately avail- lands within limits of railroad land able 524 grants to be conditional upon, &c. . 358 marine hospital and sub-treasury at Chi- system of land maps of the committee cago .. 523, 524 on public lands 359 new branch-mint building in San Fran- connected maps of public lands in States cisco . . . . 524 and territories, and engraved coppermints of the United States . . . . . 624 plate thereof . 359 preservation of public buildings . . . 525 payment to the Saint Paul and Sioux light-houses, beacons, and fog-sig City R. R. Co. forsurveys of public nals . . .. 353-355, 520- lands in Minnesota from appropriation 523 for survey of public lands in Minneappropriations for, to be available two sota ... . 515 years after, &c . 355 survey, of useless military reservabut not for a longer period without, tions 517 &c. . . _ . 355 of Indian reservations . 517 certain unexpended balances reap- collection of revenue from sales propriated 355 of public lands .. 359, 517 appropriations for 1874 to be available registers and receivers 359, 517 from date of act 523 expenses of depositing moneys . . 359, 517 site of old station at Nayat point to be suppressing depredations on public timsold . . .. 520 ber ... . . . 859, 517 former appropriation for Oyster Rock to expenses of sale, &c., of certain Indian revert to treasury ... 621 lands in Nebraska . .. 517
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