INDEX. 985 (jiyil Erpenses Appropridlivn (G011E11i18d) Civil Expenses A' ' · · _ pproprzatzon (continued. patent-oificc 359 English county histories ). . 861 platter, of offieml gazette . . . . . . 859 works of art . . . 352 deficiency m contingent fund _ . _ . . . 359 joint committee on, niay. eecept yrorke mtnsfer of] part of uppropnatwn for of the fine arts, &c.. . 362 inhograp ling . . . . . . . . . 859 Wilkcs’¤ exploring expedition i ’ I · 862 MeR{p|{QIImn pglicég · » · 359, 517 Moran': Canyon of the Yellowstone . . 862 ds ****%-0** an °¤‘8¤*0W¤ _€0 C0¤S]JSl1rVey .. 362, 519 EI tig? go`; . i dag), 517 Atlzgitxc and Gu f coasts . . . . 362, 519 'J ‘ ‘ , evie , wes rnoonet .,.. 362 519
. . . .. 359, 517 engineers for steamers 362, 519
howtobe expended . . 359,517 ubl' t' f b r' i 2, annual report of commissioners to be 1%pai:si:i·)41;,Oofovd)§ske`ls:i wil . . 322; nmde to the Attorney·Qeneral . ._ . 517 extending triangulation, &c. . . 362, 519 Gaztrgzrnment hospital for the 517 War Deysartment; . 362-332525-522 s i _ .. armories am arsenas B ‘ 364, 62 support of patients 360: 518 appropriation for repairs, &.c., ot] not extension of hospital . . . 360, 618 _ be expended upon one . . . 525 heo.trng·bo¥e;·s .6 . . . colntlrnuing surveys of northern, &c., 28 pure mse o an ... es .. 364, 5 Coltnmbia Institution for the when available 864 deaf and dumb . . . . . . 360, 518 buildings and grounds around Washingsalaries, grounds ... 860 ton under direction of chief engipurchase of Kenall Green 860 neer . .. 364, 365, 525, 526 real estate now owned by, to be conveyed Laborers and watchmen . 366 to the United States as trustee . . . 860 repairs, fuel, and lighting . 364, 526, 527 to be sold when Congress directs . 860 monument grounds to be considered Colnnmbia Hospital for women a portion of the public grounds aad 1yiug·in asylum and otig 518 an to be under the same control; c arities . 3 , repairs of bridges .. 36 purchase of building ... 860 streets and avenues .. J 526 titge of land to be vested in the United 360 abating mpsences and expergses of the tates ... board 0 health in the istrict o addgional directors and their term of 860 wColumbia, . .6 . 363 0 ce ashington uque act , , alterations and repairs ... 360 to be immediately available . . . 366 children’s hospital ... ; 518 rebuilding chain bridge over the Poto- 366 national soldiers’ and sailors mae 0rphan1h0mc . 860, 518 to be v. substantial iron structure what children only to be admitted . . 518 and uporrplans to be approved by not to remain after, &.c. . . . . 5lg b chief engnxgeefl . .f . h_. . 366 sisterhood of Saint John .. 5 reim ursement o e Cl y o as mggovernment hospimls . . 360 ton _ . . . _ ... 526, sixty transient peupers 861, 518 executive mansion contract for the care, support, 518 eollfectipn aéxdopleymznti oiilaoolgnty, &c., 528 , o co ore s xers . . . Sll’lit€Is0ni8l1 Institution . 861; 518 Nebraska, for Indian hostilities 528 collections and hall for . . . . 861, 518 census takers of 1860 . . . . _ . · - 528 Capitol ext€nsion 361, 518 mmm-y telegrsiph from San Diego to "‘E"`¥”s:» S°°”""“"S’ &°" ‘° “° 361 S.,}Z”§§°‘Z,? §`l‘$‘ML‘§?.“°£¤d‘ naetwestttt 528 ep in r er ... E"' "°“"’ °' °""‘€’ ‘·‘‘’·‘ $:2} .1 i“".?;.‘*&;,..‘.,s pent in eh.; ms; 628 oiler w ter-tank, c. ... eer 1_ 2t_ gmding,zlS’ec., grounds around Capitol_ . 361 of Mwlngan . .d . . 528 grades of streets in vicinity of Capitol 361 Bu%6gbl;ng§ng§ii:!:§:8S, me mm 366 estsblrhed .. an _ _ .. _ plan by lvilliarn Forsyth, considered au- 3M gl be bdiscolrggnigdt:f\.;;;;1r;o)?({;fl€?)’{)%1!; 806 thentic ... . . . . ac in _ 'be 518 ties &o. to colored soldiers &c., to zfiggiziillinfof hldéiiilxesd between renininiin force . . Y; 366 Capitol and departments, fc. . . . Frsendmcu S HOSlII 8 366, 528 wires to be un er groun I . . . _ ... I grading and paving streets, &c. . . . 519 110 p3·!‘§ to be Pwd for PGY50m hereaqeg cost of certain improvements to be admitted unless they are rernose collected .. . . . 519 thither from some government hos- 366 - ·'t I . . . . Isghixrgfrlcun éieuiodist. ldplfuipai 519 afdeisilune 30, 1872, to beumler the c0n· 366 building may be removed . . 519 sitrolspf tlgiigcretary of Wsr365 éai, 527 “ifi'£'LZ°T` ‘T‘ ?‘°.Hf’“7° f"" i*°?"€°°;61. gig ct§?.¥m?S;3¤;6rmp0tis, an mgmlm 527 I ¢ H. • • • · 9 l . . • 1 · • Egegtzdgdgddpgyrec .. noctpggtéutpzsbe paid to certain telegroph 366 `b · Congress . . t. ._ . . _ heixtiiigeppgrotus 361 penalty upon certain telegraph com