986 INDEX. Civil Expenses Approprlalion, (continued.) Civil Rights. See Fourteenth Amendment. pauies for refusing to transmit certain Penalty. communications 367 provisions for the protection of the, of sunplus maps, &c., may be sold . . . 527 all persons . 13-15 Mrscellaneous 367 5*;,,;; Rfqlus Ad, Pl'°P°l`tY lost in the mlllm!7 $€!`Vl0€, 367. 528 appropriations for expenses of the en- Swet Service f¤¤<1 ·-·----· 367 forcement of the . 133, 2,48, 512 Benn Pitman for transcript of phono- Cro;] Swoo,3 graphic °°pY- &°* ‘•··•·· 867 appropriations to enable the President military convicts at State penitentiary, oo carry out the ooo ausiiorizing him . . , · to rescribe rules and re nlaticns for reglsgmietg Smws expenses of r““§g;? 528 Cl I thepadmission of persons igito the, 7, 82, 530 arbitration between the United States ac“amM’ . · and the Green Bay and Mississippi N oapproprmtions for the . 167, 440 Canal Company 367 (’l“""'Ag°"’S· . . headstones upon groves of soldiers in Penalty “P°“· fOr ulllawfuuy llmmmng notional oomoiorios _______ 367 or refusing to deliver the dischargeestablishment of an astronomical base, pl*Y’°"S Ol land warrants °f any S°1' and surveys and explorations west of _ dm OY Samr ···‘**‘‘‘ 137 100° wes; longitude ... gg? Claims, t d b I I t_ f T transit of enus . 7 Pmsen 9 Y OW- C1 lZ€nS° GUUBSSBE to be expended under direction ofa, and of Berkeley and Jetferson councomiyiiggign ___,____ 357 ties, West Virginia, to the proper dewho to compose commission . . . 367 PM'U“€¤l7» P¥'l0¥'» &§?·»_¤°Y to be €9“$ld‘ no coyitragts or engagements to be ered by the commissioners of claims . 12 made for an amount exceeding 7 to remaiii sis léefored . . . _ . . 12 the appropriation ____ _ 36 upon miners. an s, an upon YOIDS or pedestal to statue of General Scott, lcdés, &c€ pr§>;_¤sions2_ocnceruxi1g . 91-96 . ee 4 ming mms. commissioners to international peniten- fo¤' DW fo1‘ d€PF9d¤€10¤5 by I¤d¤¤¤¤» tiery congress at London . 368 I"-Wis for ¥}¥'€$¢‘¤U¤H W be PV€P3F€d · 190 statistical congress at Saint Peters- to be 1¤V€$UK¤§€d _ -··· _ ···• 190 burg __________ 368 none to be paid without SPGCIHC approlaw library for Colorado Territory . . 368 PF15U0H ···· ; -····· 1% maps to illustrate the ninth census . . 368 P9? $0175 l1€1`€¤*~ft€¥: ¤PP0l¤t€d 0Hl¢€l`S» 810-; Navy Dgpal·["lg||[ _ _ 368, 528, 529 111 any EXBCIIUYG d€p2.I'UH€DlJ, Xl0K to navy yards and naval stations . 368, 628, 523 d PY§>;€€I‘·5_¥€{:*?'€gi¤t ·-·· ; t_· ·f · 202 emergencies . . 36 ¤€‘ 6 Q1 6 8 9S, 9·PPFoP!`¤¤ Km 0K` improvements at navy yards under the P¥`0S0¤lm0¤ of ··-· i · · g 350 direction of the bureau of ordnance . 529 other than the Alabama. claims, against Department of Ag;-jcunuyg, either the United States or Great Brit- 368, 369, 529 ain, arising out of acts committed bebuildings and grounds 368, 529 tween Aivril 13, 1861, 396 Apfll 9. mtgeum uiringr charge of Professor 369 2S6T settlement ori prov1ded forggg 868 ownsen over ... , reay ... _ ._ . . , _ part of unexpended balance for life- to be referred to commissioners, &rc., 8bS saving stations need not go to sur- 369 offBr1t1sh governpient iiorwconipensatiog lus-fund .. or privi ege 0 sea s eries gran e regayinent to clerk of district court for to citizens of the United States to be southern district of Illinois for amount referred to arbitrators 2 . . . 870, 871 paid by him to the Secretary of the duration of joint commission for the set- Treasury, as prizemoney under a. de- tlement of, with Mexico extended one cree since declared erroneous . . . 369 year .. _. _ . 862 in adjusting accounts of \Villium Kepus, See Great Bnmm. allowance to bG made fOr pay of Claims Commission, Mixed American and Brit- SCh3r1{as iii Eeircel . . . . . . . ish, f f 349 422 474 tim is1a.n a ari ...n ro riations or ex enses 0 , , , , judgments of court of claims for cap- pp p P 531 tured, &c., cotton, Src., to be paid Claims go,,i,,r;ss,·o,,, without deduction for internal revenue appropriations for Spanish _ _ _ 66, 474 mx ’ biZ_' `b' 369 Claims Cmivention with Zllerrioo, cougcmr ° customs at lmlgo to 9 appropriations for expenses of defending allowed for certain moneys lost at the ciaims under _ ____ 349, 474, 512 nf;l$»i~in'sén60i di baétm L: 'col 369 Claims dmhe Uwd S*¤*·**· . V iumbia ___________ 529 appropriations for collection of . . 350, 012 Civilfzalimi of Indian Tribes, Cimvvs of /7··(¤? Cifrzws, _ d Secretary of the Interior to investigate for SHPPUQS mlm}'! OF f¤l`m*h€d» &°—a up and ropori upon, to Congress at next mg the Rebellion: to be presente on _ sossiori ___________ 188 or before March 3, 1873 . . . . . 5i7 approprizttion for the, of the Indians on mi $0 Presented to be barred °‘ 5*7 the White Earth Reservation in Min- Clapham, J. llemjy, nesota. . . . 189 payment to, for live-stock . . . 714
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