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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1027

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INDEX. 987 Clardy, P¢1¤fU#i·m. _ _ Clerk, §~c., (continued.) damages awarded to, by COIDIDIBSIODCIS of fees, &c., to the Secretary of the k g cluuns . . 698 Treasury .. 507 Clar , enjamm, C];;],;,, I pension to .. . . . . 718 m railway posvodlces, provisions cou- Clark, Jacob l' ., _ _ ceming in p0sr»0Hice act . 290 damages awarded to, by commissioners See Posmjiee Department Au. Cl k an clan?} . . . . . . 693 Cgrks of Courts. See Court: of the United ar . umes , ., tutes. ciaim of, allowed by commissioners . . 749 duties, &c., ot§ in reference to moneys Clark, . C., _ paid into eourtsof the United States, 1, 2 claim of estate of, allowed by commu- deputies of, in United States courts, may sinners . . . ; ... 749 be appointed, &»c. 330 Ulark, John K., responsible for default of deputies . . 330 damages awarded to, by commissioners their assistants and deputies not to pracof claims .. 693 tise us attorneys in such courts, &c. . 411 Clark, Glenn Q- Overall, Clerks to Uommzttees, claims of, to be investigated 711 appropriations for 9, 62, 63, 488 Clark, Murtha A., Clerks to Shipping Commissioners, damages awarded to, by commissioners powers and duties of . . . . . . . of claims .. . . . . 693 when may mctascommissioners . . . Clark, Jlarq AI., _ penalty on, for demanding, &c., unlawpayment to, for services rendered by her ful fees _ ... 263 deceased husband as a. scout 679 Cleveland, Damel O-. _ Clark, Thomas, credit to be allowed, in settlement of claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 accounts ... 722 Clark, William J., Cleveland, Sulney G., _ _ account uf, as administrator of Gad E. damages awarded to, by commissioners Upson, to be audited, &e. . 703 of claims . . . . . . . . . . 693 Clarke, Ephraim, Olevenger, T homac S., _ _ damages awarded bo, by commissioners 692 Ol clilmdoijzlowed by commissioners . . 768 i -1 ‘ s .. ine, re mc . _ _ CIarke,OR;‘b;{tr? damages awarded to, by commissioners claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 _ of clanns .. 693 Clausvl, Richard W.,l Ohm, John B., b _ _ Ciilim Of, allowed by commissioners . . 749 damages awarded t0, y COHIHIISSIOHGTB 695 Clay, Joseph A., I I · · of e12in]? ... . . . Certificate of Spanish mdemmsy to be 685 Ohm; Jcseps EGM-ded to by comms iongrs 's dt . . a,mage_ , S CZearariieul(3’ees,0 2 4 Ol. of oluzims . . . . . . . . . . 693 certf -b ats t D0 . . . . 1 me am _ _ Cleave/uridfl I/1g11i17am? no pay damages, awarded to, by commmsioners 693 Cl clairugf, allowed by commissioners . . 758 Ort Ofigims ··-· ·‘‘ ’ ements qbriel, m 0n,_· , _ , Giaiin of estate ot] allowed by commig· 742 Cl elsxrbogjllowed by commissioners . . 753 ' a an, , _ _ _ ,, Clernenidfggzlsmas, I l I h l l ‘ ppolitioggl disabilities removed from . . 132 C claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 74A OJOS8d iwfgigh concerning in the convention lemons, F. W., Pm" B - ’ Cl gllowanceq ro, in settlement of accounts, 132 g<;;ge30;;;ele?;é?: Sm$°S·°"{d fh? 939 en enning, amuel _ . al ____ _ 945 Ol piglirg of, allowed by commismoners . . 758 Clothing with Ne‘”f°““dl nd enc ervzoes, _ - · h d H0 PPWS of appropriation for contingent m0u0yV9é1\1§lg£;V<§'¥;1F8;WX1, U1 bec laree I 117 expenses for collection, &c., of public Hgwssd ee for Lot io be paid {mm diS_ revenue to be expended for . _ . ii, 72, 497 9·m_°““ u ’ _ _____ _ uq Ciifk cy" District Court, for Southern District ¢y" ce;'·?;gg;&ckaéeS' 0;; for Soldiers of tha llinois, _ ·1 _ _ _ , 304 Compenssxtiou of, for services in reSt0l‘I¤g' 41 *1;;*; é rggyége iinécbéxzlto each S0]. records of the court ·. ·_ · 9 s _ • ’ " - · tl National yopaymemé go, for amour}? peid by hxén die;;;lx21xasbeen.or,rs in Ure. I I l 417 to the euretary 0 thereaS\1!‘_Y S _ · .‘· b df 1 ss prize gloneyhunder a. decree of court, 369 cer§a1E;<g;1;6;:¥8lE§¤§*2m· urse i"` '° 646 since ec are erroneous _. · , t - I-_t d men O CM ·»f M HM <·f ’*¤#~m’%¤"· . *° ET.!‘3Z$"B‘$$3-13$£t§“l.§2.£.ny . . an duties of} in respect to depositions m con- Z h_ C (mg F whyé (Army), tested ele°“°" °"‘“” ‘‘402 Catligiiclencyiqapprbprlseidns for 128,129, ssa Clerk of the S“P"'"° Umm of the DIMM of the use of any patent . . . · 129 C°Z”"*bi"» ,_ mprietions for . . . 128, 129, 545, 546 S“}m`y* f°€s’ &°" not tf? miceed $6000507 liien new uniform is distributed, cloth- °X°°Ss °f {eee t° be paid mm the Tm 07 W ing of the old style to be sold at sucury of the United States . · · - · 5 mm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . , . . 646 to make semi-annual returns of B.¤10U¤t