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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1028

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988 INDEX. Clothing and Equipage, (continued.) Coinage cmd Coins, rfc., (continued.) gross proceeds to be covered into (See Mims of the United States.) the treasury 545 appropriations for detection, Sw., of coun- Olub House, terteiting the ... 348, 512 at Charleston, S. C., appropriation for C'oz'nc·rs at Mints. See Mints, gc. C al purchase ot; &c. 7 appointments, powers, and duties of, 424, 425- ° » 433 customs duties on, from August 1, 1872, 230 oath, bond, and of salary of . . 425, 426 mines of, excluded from act of 1872, ch. Coin, l·"orez:qn, 152 465 value of, in United States money of ac- Coal Lands of the United States, count, to be what ... 602 act to provide for the sale of the . . . 607 Cole, Ketumh, vacant, and not otherwise appropriated, certain registered bonds to be issued to, may be entered by whom, in what in lieu of &c. . 648 quantities, and at what price 607 bond of indemnity .. 648 persons actually in possession of mines Coldwell, Margaret, opened by themselves, to have prefer- pension to . . . . . 672, 673 ence in making entry . . 607 Coleman, David, when may enter 640 acres 607 political disabilities, removed from . . 792 claims, when to be presented . . . 607 Coleman, James, only one entry to be made by the same claim oi', allowed by commissioners . . 758 person . . . . . . . 607 Coleman, John, certain claimants to pay for lands within claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 a year from, &c. .. 607, 608 Coleman, John, in conflicting claims, priority of posses- damages awarded to, by commissioners sion to determine ... 608 of claims .. 692 where improvements are already Coleman, Stephen, made . . 608 claim ot", allowed by commissioners . . 742 Coast Survey, Coleman, Zll, appropriations for . . . 362, 519, 528, 532 _ claim oi] allowed by commissioners . . 746 survey of Atlantic and Gulf coastsCollecting, Qc., Volunteers, and Lake Champlain . . . 362, 528 for the war of the rebellion, claims Western coast 362, 532 for, to be presented before June 30, pay and rations of engineers 126, 362 1874 . . . . . ... 500 publication of observations . 362, 520 Collection District zythe Teche, repairs, &c., of vessels . 125, 362, 520 in Louisiana, established .. 475 extending triangulation, &c., 362, 619, boundaries . 475 532 residence and salary of collector . . 476 deficiency appropriation for . 405 Brashear made a port of entry 476 Cobb, James N B., Collection Districts, Cusloms, · damages awarded to, by commissioners part of Tappahannock in Virginia, anof claims . . . . . . . . . . 692 nexed to that of Alexandria 4 Cochran, Asa F., Potomac, Va., made a port of delivery in claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 749 Alexandria district ... 4 Cochran, Si/as D., acts making Dumfries a port of delivery payment to, for services in Idaho . . . 718 in Tappahannock district, repealed . 5 Cockerif/e, lliram, Du Luth established ... 157 damages awarded to, by commissioners Collection of illonez], of claims ... . . . 693 belonging to and withheld from the Cofm, United States, Secretary of Treasury to he free from import duty after July 1, may employ not more than three per- 1872 59 sons to aid in the 69 provision for what is in public stores, terms of employment, compeusaa &c., on that day . . . . . . 59 tion, Km., . 69 Orme_1;, James, penalty upon such persons for misclaim ot", allowed by commissioners . . 751 conduct . 69 Cqpield, lVilliant B., Collection of Revenue_;$·0m Sales o/"Puli/ic Lands, damages awarded to, by commissioners appropriations for expenses of the, 359, 517 of claims . . . . . . . . . . 693 Collectors of Customs, Cofmon, Rebecca, pay ot in the Willamette collection disclaim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 trict, Oregon, established .,... 16 Coggins, lllmjqaret, settling accounts of, acting as superinpension to ... 648 tendents of lights ... 127 Colle, John L., when to act as shipping cominissioncr . 263 claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 754 to select lands for certain minor Indian Coizmge act of eighteen hundred and seventy- children ... 381 three, appropriation for commissioners of, actwhat to be known as . . . 435, 424-435 ing as superintendents of lights . . . 533 Coizzoge and Coins of the United States, to report within ten days to district atprovisions of the coinage act of 1873 con- torneys cases for fines, penalties, and cerning . 426-135 forieitures, with names of witnesses, standard of . ... 426, 427 &c. . . . . .. 580, 581 penalties for counterfeiting, debasing, not reporting to forfeit right of comuttering false, &c . . 434, 435 pensation . . . . . . . . . 581