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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/34

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8 FORTY-FOURTH. CONGRESS. Sess. I. (JH. 29,-30, 31. 1876. ~ _ March 16, 1876. CHAP. 29.-—An not to establish certain post-routes in the State of Texas. . 1,08, pp 12 3,9 Be it endcted by flee Senate and House of Represeniatryes of the Umied 335_ ’_ ’ ’ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following post-routes Post-roads es- be, and they are hereby, established, to W10: _ wblishcd in- A posiproute {mm Paris, Lamar County, 'Qexas, by way of Lotton · Texas, Plant, in said county, und by way of Cooper, in Quite County, in said State, to Sulphur Springs, in Hopkins Oonnty,1u sand btute; nlso, n postronte from Bonham, in Fnnnin County, Texas, by way of Ludonia, A . in said county, and Ben Franklin, in Delta. County, Texas, to Cooper in p [ said county. , . Approved, March 16, 1876. . · . .—— u c makin s ro riations for the ma ment ofinvulid and oiherpen-

 C§g1;o?2sheAUniitgd Stntci,  the year ending duhe Lhirrioth, eighteen hundred

BIH] S07B11h}' EBVOD. Post, p. 223. . , . Be it enacted by the Senate and House { Representatryes of the United Appmprinmions. States of America, in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury Army pensions. not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the fiscal · year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy seven: Pensions for Army invalids, for widows, minors, and dependent relatives and for survivors and widows of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, twenty eight million four hundred thousand dollars, including such contingent expenses us may he recommended by the Commissioner of of Pensions, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, fees for preparing vouchers und administering oaths, two hundred and fifty R. S.,4782,p.936. thousand dollars; tees of examining surgeons, one hundred thousand dollars; compensation to pension agents, und the expenses of the sev- 41874, Cb_ 335, eral pension ugeneies, two hundred thousand dollars, as provided under 18 smc., 115. the not of June sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and of March- . third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three; also for furnishing artificial _ limbs or apparatus lor resection, with transportation or commutation P”°"‘S°· therefor, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That the smne shall be · expended and disbursed under the direction of the Surgeon General of New 1¤<¤¤¤i<>¤¤- the Army and in accordance with existing laws; for Navy pensions to invnlids, and for widows and dependent relatives, five hundred and twenty Eve thousand dollars; for fees of examining surgeons, one thousand dollars; for fees fcmpreparing vouchers und administering oaths, as provided by the several acts of Congress, three thousand dollars;' compensation to pension agents, two thousand five hundr•·d dollars, including such contingent. expenses as may be recommended by the Commissioner of Pensions, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior; for furnishing nrtiiicial limbs or apparatus for resection, with tmnsportation or commutation therefor, two thousand dollars, which appropriation shall be expended under the direction of the Surgeon P¤>Vi¤<>- General of the Army: 1’rvvided, That the appropriation zitbresaid for ,8,0 ch 238 Navy pensions, and other expenditures under that head, shull be paid 1(,S{,,u;222f from the income of the Navy pension fund, so fer as the same may be R. S., 4755, p. sunicient for that purpose, as provided by the act of July eleventh, 932. eighteen hundred and seventy. Approved, March 23, 1876. March 23, 1876. CHAP. 31..-—·An net to confirm certain school-indemnity selections of public lands by i‘"""?* the State of Nebraska . _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United N§)¤l}<>;1 l#¤;<1¤tf¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That the selections of school c,;‘,§;};£ ‘ ° lunds made by the State of Nebraska as indemnity for tracts in sections ' sixteen and thirty-six otherwise disposed of, which are suspended in the