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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/353

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724 1890. 299 For grading and regulating Pennsylvania avenue extended toward Suitland road, five thousand dollars; For grading and regulating Nourse road, two thousand dollars; For grading and regulatin Bunker Hill road from Harewood avenue to Queen’s Chapel roar? five thousand dollars; ` For grading and regulating Connecticut avenue extended from Columbia road to Woodley road, five thousand dollars; For gradinlg and regulating Brentwood road and Patterson avenue, five thousan dollars; For paving R street extended from Lincoln avenue to Fourth street, fteen thousand dollars; d For grading and regulating streets of Takoma Park, ten thousand o ars; . For grading and regulating Anacostia road westward of Pennsyl- ‘ vania avenue extended, when widened, not exceeding ten thousand dollars : Provided, That sufficient land be donated on both sides of HMM- said road to make its width ninety feet; nonma umd. For grading and regulating Naylor road from Anacostia road to District of Columbia line, two thousand five hundred dollars; For grading and regulating New Cut road, three thousand dollars · For grading and regulating California avenue from Columbia road to Massachusetts avenue, five thousand dollars; For grading and regulating Sherman avenue from Boundary to Princeton streets, five thousand dollars: Provided, That sufficient moan. pand be donated on both sides of the Avenue to make its width ninety Donated land. ~cet. For grading and regulating North Capitol street extended, ten thousand doll rs; For grading and regulating First street west extended, two thousand five hundred dollars; For grading and regulating Eighteenth street extended between (Bepiindary street and Columbia road, seven thousand five hundred o ars; For grading and regulating Laurel avenue, six hundred dollars; For grading and regulating Seventeenth street extended, two thousand dollars; . For grading and regulating Ridge and Loughborough roads, five thousand dollars; in all, one hun red and seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. ' CONDEMNATION OF STREETS, ROADS, AND ALLEYS: For condemna- Condemnation or tion of streets, roads. and alle s, five thousand dollars. And authority “°'°°°'· °“°· is hereby conferred upon theluoprietors of Prospect Hill Cemetery to open North Capitol street exten ed through their grounds, to be ap- mmnnon or umn proved b the commissioners of the District, and to convey to the Dis- ,€‘,,,’Q',fQ;"§{°,§,‘“{.°e‘lg¤g{ trict of Ciolumbia the land necessary therefor without compensation, wry- and said proprietors are also authorized to sell all or any part of said lgoprietommaysell. cemetery grounds and invest the proceeds thereof in the purchase #2, *§‘Q'§,h$§;°‘§',§,$ and improvement of suitable grounds for cemetery purposes else- Whewwhere in the District, and the act entitled "An act to incorlporate the Proprietors of Prospect Hill Cemetery? approved June t irteenth, vous, p.u,nmnd. eighteen hundred and sixty, is amended accordingly. °‘L Srninxnino, Swunrme, Ann CLEANING: For sprinkling, sweep- S,,.,,,,;..,,m_ ing, and cleaning streets, avenues, alleys, and suburban streets, one hundred thousand dollars. Fon rim Pnmrme Comu1ss1oN: For contingent expenses, includ- Sigrmnz Commising laborers, cart-hire, trees, tree-boxes, tree-stakes, tree-straps, ' planting, and care of trees, on city and suburban streets, whitewashing, care of parks, and miscellaneous items, eighteen thoiisand dollars. ~ Lionrme; For illuminating material, lighting, extinguishiing, re- mgnung, pairing, and cleaning lamps on_ avenues, streets, roads, and eys, and for purchasing and erecting new lamp-posts and replacing