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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/354

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300 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. lamps and lamp-posts damaged or unfit for service, one hundred and 1*~¤f¤¤•~ twenty-five thousand dollars: Pm-vided, That no more than twenty ¥¤i¤¤¤¤¤°¤¤°·•°¤- dollars perannum for each street lamp shall be paid for gas or oil lighting, extinguishing, repairinig, and cleaning, under any expenditure rovided or in this act; an said lamps shall burn not less than Ccnlnch. two isiousand sixhundred hours per annum: Provided further, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall not be authorized to make any contract for gas or other illuminating material, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, for any longer period than one year. _

 For electric lighting, including necessary expenses of ins ection,

, on one or more of the principal streets of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, including the south side of Pennsylvania avenue _ and two arc lights for Freedmen’s Hospital and Asylum, forty-six """"°‘ thousand dollars: Rwided, That no more than sixty cents per night · ri¤i¢v¤r¤iz1¤- shall be paid for any light burning from sunset to sunrise, and no more than forty cents per night shall be paid for any light burnin from sunset to sunrise and operated who ly or in part by overhead wires- and each arc light s all be of not less than one thousand actual candle-power, an no part of this approplriation shall be used for electric lighting after September thirtiet , eighteen hundred ovmwmwn-es and ninety, by means of wires that may exist on or over any of the streets or avenues of the cities of Washington and Georgetown: e,§°P°’° °°°°““"*°'·'· Provided further,That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall investégate, ascertain, and report to the second session of the Fifty-first ongress what deduction may be made for gas and electric lighting, both for annual, five year, and for ten year contracts, an that they be authorized to invite proposals for su plying said light at reduced rates, and in this they are not limited) to any one system. ·Hnr\»¤r¤~¤¤¢· Hnnon AND Rxvmz FRON•1·: For the improvement and protection of the harbor and river front, the enforcement of laws and regulations, construction, and maintenance of wharve and buildings, and for other necessary items and services, includin the purchase of a new boiler for boat, three thousand five hundrech dollars. ¤¤•¤· Fon PUBLIC SCALES: For repair and replacement of public scales, two hundred and fifty dollars. P•¤¤1¤ Fon Punmc Pumps: For the {purchase, replacement, and repair of public pumps and the iilling`o abandoned public wells, five thousand dollars. MWM *•v•*¤‘¤· Cami: OF Bmnoms: For ordinary care of bridges, including keep- ` ers, oil, lamps, and matches, five thousand dollars; for construction and repairs of bridges twenty thousand dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand dollars. www Wasniuoros Aqumnucr. ¤¤¢¤¤¤¤r¤¤s.¤¤¤. For engineering, maintenance, and general repairs, twenty thou- L. Saddoiim h ffi fl d 1. .1 d ¤¤¤* •¤¢¤·*¤¤· or the urc ase o ve acres o an near t 0 istributin resering r°°°"°k' voir, four thousand dollars. g survey, armsge, For the cost of a survey by a sworn surveyor, for removing the °°°‘ cattle-pens, clearing up and fencing the ground, for the works for contro ling the drainage, and for other necessary improvements, one thousand ve hundred dollars. mus same Pusuc Scuoons. super-inmusuu. Fon OFFICERS: For superintendent first six divisions, two thousand seven hundred dollars- su rintendent seventh and eighth dicnanm. visions, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; one clerk to superintendent of first six divisions and secretary to board of trustees,