912 . EIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. ·Ch. 189. 1895. C¤¤¤‘=¤*· Treasury is authorized to contract for the completion of said building as aforesaid within said limit of cost. N¤w¤rk.N-J- For custom-house and postoffice at Newark, New Jersey: For completion of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. Ncwrcrv. Ky- For public building at Newport, Kentucky: To enable the Secretary
- ”“· P‘ °7°‘ of the Treasury to select, designate, and procure by purchase or otherwise a suitable site, and commence the construction of the public building provided by law to be erected in Newport, Kentucky, the sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars, and it the said site shall be obtained by purchase, the cost thereof shall not exceed said sum, and thp Secretary · comm. is authorized to contract for the erection of the entire building, its cost including site therefor, heating and ventilating apparatus, fire-proof ` vaults, elevators, and approaches complete, not to exceed the sum of seventy-tive thousand dollars. Norfolk, va. For court-house and post-office at Norfolk, Virginia: For completion of building under present limit, sixty thousand dollars. P¤¤t¤vi11c»P=~ For public building at Pottsville, Pennsylvania- For purpose of A""' "°75' acquiring a suitable site by purchase or otherwise and to commence the construction of the public building provided bylaw at Pottsville, Pennsylvania, twenty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of the Treasury Cwrrnct- i authorized to contract for the completion of said_ buildipg at a cost including site therefor, heating and ventilating apparatus, fire-proof _ vaults, elevators, and approaches complete, not to exceed sixty thou- _ sand dollars. New York; For the appraiser’s warehouse, New York City, New York: For con-
- ..$.$,'{"i°°Tr-° `H"' tinuation of building, two hundred thousand dollars, and the limit of
cm sms-isi. cost of said building, exclusive of cost of site, is hereby extended one · million dollars, making the total limit of cost of said building one _ million six hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of . Contact- the Treasury may authorize a contract or contracts to be entered into for the construction of any portion or the whole of said building, including heating aud ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, or any portion of the same, subject to appropriations made or to be made theretbr by Congress. Omaha N°b'· For court-house, custom—house, and post-office at Omaha, Nebraska: Fos continuation of building under present limit, two hundred thousand dollars. ri:.-mu, 1:..1. For the public building at Paterson, New Jersey: For the com- “'°* "m‘ mencement and continuation of the construction of the public building, fifty thousand dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury is author- ¤<>¤¤·¤cf~ ized to contract for the completion of said building including heating and ventilating apparatus, nre-proof vaults, elevators, and approaches complete, within the limit of cost prescribed by law, subject to appropriatious to be made by Congress. 1-mn-aipm•, rn. For post-office at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For amount necessary
- ""‘“°"“““”°‘ to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, the lots or pieces of ground
in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, adjoining or adjacent to the Philadelphia postotiice building, additional to the sums appropriated therefor in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year eighteen hundi·ed and ninety-tive, sixteen thousand dollars. P<>r¤=¤¤¤. Orca For cnstomhouse at Portland, Oregon: For completion of building under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. " r¤·>b1¤,c¤1¤. For post-office at Pueblo, Colorado: For continuation of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. S•i¤•= PM!. Mi¤¤- For postoliice, court-house, and custom-house at Saint Paul, Minnesota: For continuation of building under present limit, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. · R*°*"¤°¤•*· KP For public building at Richmond, Kentucky: For an additional amount for the completion of building, twentydive thousand dollars. Sm Francisco. CM- For post-otiice and com·t-house at San Francisco, California: For _ commencement and continuation of building under present limit, fifty
- ’*°"*°- thousand dollars: Provided, That before any work is done upon this