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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/942

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. 913 building or contract let therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall Si¢¤¢¤l¤>¤¤==¤¤¤<=·1. cause to be carefully examined the nature of the subsoil and bed of foundation of the site that has been purchased for such building at San Francisco, and whether the character of the same is proper for said building, before the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety- five, and what will be the cost of making a foundation for said build. ing, and whether the constructionbf said building should be proceeded with on said site; and the Secretary of War, upon the request of the Detail of Army Secretary of the Treasury, shall detail two or more engineer officers of °m°°"‘ the Army to make such examination. If the Secretary of the Treasury shall determine that said building should be erected on said site, he is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of the building, and to enter into contracts for any part or the whole thereof, within the commas. limit of cost fixed by law; the expenses of such examination and investigation, not to exceed three thousand dollars, to be paid out of the appropriations made for the erection of said building. For courthouse and post-office at Savannah, Georgia: For continuar S=·v¤¤¤¤h.G¤. tion of building under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. For court-house, post-ofiice, and custom-house at Sioux‘ City, Iowa: sion; City, rows For c0ntinlQ.tion of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. For pub 10 building at Troy, New York: For additional amount for Troy. N. Y. completion, including elevator, painting, clock, storm doors, and other necessary work, twenty-two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. For postofiioe at Worcester, Massachusetts: For completion of build- W<>r¤¤¤¢¤¤·· Mming under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. » For post·ofiiee at Washiiigton, District of Columbia: For continua- Washington, D. C., tion of building under present limit, six hundred and seventy-five "°“'"°°*°°‘ thousand dollars. For Treasury building at Washington, District of Columbia: For Tr¤¤¤¤ryb¤i1di¤s¤· repairs to Treasury, Butler, and Winder buildings, eight thousand dollars. · . To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make such additions to Los Angeles,Csl. and alterations in the United States court-house and postoflice building at Los Angeles as he may find necessary, five thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to select, designate, and _ Buildings author. procure, by purchase or otherwise, suitable sites, and for the com- ‘""’· mencement of the construction of public buildings thereon, in the city of 0¤¤y¤¤¤·>. Wyv- Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming; in Boise City, the capital of Idaho, Bum 0i¤y.Id¤1w- and in the city of Helena, the capital of Montana, there is hereby Helena, Mont. appropriated, out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars. Each of said sites shall contain at least Sims. sixteen thousand square feet of ground, and shall leave an open space around the building to be erected thereon, including streets and alleys, of at .eastJ forty feet; neither of said sites shall cost in excess of twenty `thousand dollars; and neither of said buildings, each of which shall be fireproot, shall cost, including the site, heating and ventilating cose. apparatus, elevators, fireproof vaults, and approaches complete, in excess of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; the appropriations herein made shall be available during this fiscal year for the purchase of sites and the commencement of the construction of the buildings, with power to contract for each of the buildings within the limit of one contracts. hundred and fifty thousand dollars for each site and building. That permission be, and the same is hereby, granted .to the mayor and gg¤*¤a¤¤rg~ 1% u H city council of Baltimore to erect on the lot or parcel of ground in the ioirtixfiiirliimpotes. city of Baltimore described as follows: Beginning for the same on the corner formed by the intersection of the west side of North street and the south side of Lexington street and running thence south, binding on the west side of North street one hundred and twelve feet; thence west parallel with the south side of Lexington street seventy feet; thence north parallel with the west side of North street one hundred and twelve feet to the south side of Lexington street, and thence east, binding thereon seventy feet, to the place of beginning, a two·story STAT-VOL XXVI11———58