914 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. brick building, to be used by the State of Maryland for the purpose of holding therein the sessions of the State courts within said city, for a period not to exceed five years from the time said building shall be begun, and that during said period concurrent jurisdiction, so tar as the same may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, ceded to the State of Maryland for said purpose, so that the sessions of the said courts in said building, upon said lot, may be during said period fully Pf¤¤•¤v· legalized: Provided, however, That the mayor and city council of Bal- R°'“°"“l‘ °t°' timore will enter into a contract with the United States of America, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury before the erection of said building shall be begun, that within three mouths after the expiration of ·the said period of five years the said building shall be entirely torn down and the materials thereof removed, and the said lot restored to the same condition in which it now is, and in default thereof that the said building may be removed and the lot restored to its present condition by the United States at the expense of the municipality of Baltimore. smnomans, Nm. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to select, designate, and ·*”‘°·P·‘"‘· · procure by purchase or otherwise a suitable site and commence the construction of the public building provided by law to erected at South Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, the sum of twen -tive thousand dollars, and if the said site shall be obtained by purchase the cost thereof shall not exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars; and canine:. the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to contract lor the erection of the entire building, its cost including site therefor, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, tire-proof vaults, and approaches complete, not to exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. "§jg,g¤:¤ W1 P'°* For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and pres- ' ervation of customhouses, court-houses, post-offices, marine hospitals, quarantine stations, and other public buildings under the·control of _ the Treasury Department, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; of which amount the sum of thirty thousand dollars to be used
for the marine hospitals and quarantine stations: Provided, That of
,jW’°"“*°”d°"°" the sum hereby appropriated, not exceeding ten thousand dollars may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the employment of superintendents and others at a rate of compensation not exceeding for any one person six dollars per day. mwtnc wiring. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed, if in his j udgment such work should be performed, to pay for the wiring for electric lighting of all buildings in process of erection or hereafter to be erected under the control of the Treasury Department from the construction funds oi such buildings. M¤¤¤·~¤·>¤r#¤1¤· Mn1mm uosrrrans. Boston. Mw- For marine hospital at Boston, Massachusetts: For invalid elevator, one thousand dollars; isolation ward, two thousand dollars; in all, three thousand dollars. Chicago. H1. For marine hospital at Chicago, Illinois: For extension to hospital buildings, ten thousand dollars. Cincinnati. ohio. For marine hospital at Cincinnati, Ohio: For steam laundry plant, two thousand seven hundred dollars. Mw or¤¤¤¤¤•.I·=¤- For marine hospital at New Orleans, Louisiana: For new laundry and attendants’ building, five thousand dollars. Wi1mington.N.C. For marine hospital at Wilmingtoii, North Carolina: For increase of hospital iacilities by construction of new ward, seven thousand dollars. Q¤¤r¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤•>¤¤· ovankxrrrm STATION . Reeds Islmut `For quarantine station, Reedy Island, Delaware River: For improvemeant of grounds to protect from overflow, four thousand two hundred o ars.