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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/944

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. 915 Forquarantine station,Delaware Breakwater, Delaware: Fornaphtha Dt:1¤w¤¤ B¤>¤k· launch for boarding vessels, four thousand dollars. W° r` For quarantine station, Brunswick, Georgia: For completing addi- Brunswick. Gstion to ballast wharf, three hundred dollars; ballast cars and tracks, three hundred dollars; hoisting engine, seven hundred dollars; raising trestle, two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For quarantine station, South Atlantic: For hospital barge (altera- South M1¤¤¤¤· tion to steamers), one thousand dollars; telephone, three hundred and fifty dollars; in all, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. For quarantine station, San Francisco, California: For naphtha or Sw Francisco. steam launch, three thousand dollars; cistern for water supply, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, four thousand two hundred dollars. Hnyrme APPARATUS Fon ronmo uoxrnmesz For heating, hoist- m§,;==·*i¤g· M-·¤P1>¤> ing, and ventilating apparatus, and repairs to the same, for all public ' buildings, including marine hospitals and quarantine stations, under control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract, one hundred and twenty-five thou- ` sand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars may be expended for personal services of mechanics employed from time to time for casual repairs only. VAULTS, SAFES, AND LOCKS Fon PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For vaults, I ‘£¤¤1¤¤. sms. and safes, and locks, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings under °° ”‘ control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract, forty thousand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding three thousand dollars may be expended for personal services of mechanics employed from time to time for casual repairs only. PLANS ron ronmo nurnnmess For books, photographic materials, P‘“”°· °*°· and in duplicating plans required for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, two thousand five hundred dollars. monruoosns, Bnxooivs, AND Foe SIGNALS. ,0{,‘;§l§§,,§'°}{,?g°’;;g‘;,g,gj Boston Harbor Light-Ship, Massachusetts: For constructing, equip- M§§*°“ H’* " " "’· ping, and outiitting, complete for service, a nrstclass steam light Lis1¤t»¤1¤i1>· vessel with a steam fog signal, thirty-five thousand dollars: Provided, {;§$,'Q§'}igh,,,_ That any unexpended balance from this appropriation may be expended by the LightHouse Board in the construction of range lights in Boston _ Har or. Butler Flats Light Station, Massachusetts: For establishing a light B“"°' m""*M“"‘ and fog signal on or near Butler Flats, entrance to the lower harbor of New Bedford, to take the place of Clarks Point and Fairhaven bridge lights, fortyhve thousand dollars. Spectacle Island Range lights, Massachusetts: For establishing M§§j°“‘°‘° 1** *“"*· range lights on Spectacle Island, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, nine ' thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. Spring Point Ledge Light and Fog-Signal Station, Maine: Toward S,,$,‘j,;*1l_QQ§* “°· establishing a light and fog signal on Spring Point Ledge, Portland Harbor, Maine, twenty thousand dollars; and the total cost of said light and fog-signal station, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed forty-five thousand dollars. Kennebec River lights, Maine: For the establishment on Kennebec 1f,j'{,’;b{§;f,‘};*QQ‘°· River, Maine, of a light, range lights, and fog signal at or near Dow Amer-M6.` _ bling Point; a light at Ames Ledge; a light at or near the southwest point of Perkins Island; a light at or near Squirrel Point, and a day beacon on or near Ram Island; and for sites for same, not to exceed in all, seventeen thousand dollars. Plum Beach Light and Fog-Signal Station, Rhode Island: For estab— Plum B°“°b~ RL lishing a light and fogsignal station at or near Plum Beach, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, twenty thousand dollars, and the total cost of establishing such light and tbg-signal station complete, under a