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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/945

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916 FIFTY-THIRD oorrcnuss. sms. 111. on. 189. 1895. contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars. _ NW H¤i’¤¤-C<>¤¤· Southwest Ledge Light Station, Connecticut: For establishing a fog signal at Southwest Ledge Light Station, entrance to New Haven Harbor, Long Island Sound, Connecticut, three thousand dollars. Mf,·°W°* *7****** P°i°*· Lower Cedar Point Light Station, Potomac River, Maryland: For ' reestablishing Lower- Cedar Point Light Station, Potomac River, Mary- land, twenty-tive thousand dollars, and the total cost of reestablishing such light station complete, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed seventy-tive thousand dollars. Smim P°i¤*· Mi Smith’s Point Light—House, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland: For reestablishing the light-house at Smith’s Point, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, recently carried away by the ice, twenty-five thousand dollars to be immediately available, and the total cost of re-establishing such lighthouse, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars. M°‘¤¤°° B“Y·°h*°· Maumee Range-Light Station, Ohio: For establishing a new beacon at each end of the range, to form a range both outward and inward in the line of the channel in Maumee Bay, Lake Erie, Ohio, twenty thousand dollars. Qh¤qu¤m¤g¤¤P¤i¤¢. Chequamegon Point Light and Fog-Signal Station, Wisconsin: For Wu" moving and rebuilding the main La Pointe light and establishing a harbor bell and light at or near Chequamegon Point, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars. Devils Ishud. Wis- Devils Island Light and Fog-Signal Station, Wisconsin: For constructing a permanent tower, twenty-two thousand dollars. %;¤g${,:{§s:é§m· Grand Marais Light Station, Minnesota: That of the unexpended v0i.za,p.4ss.balance of the appropriation made in the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, for completingthe construction of a light house at Grand Marais, Minnesota, four thousand dollars may be applied to the purchase of a site for and construction of a lightkeeper’s dwelling at or near Grand Marais Light Station. Gr=¤¤¤yI¤h¤d·Mi¤h- Detroit River lights, Michigan: For the completion of the lighting of the north and south ends of Grassy Island, Detroit River, Michigan, six thousand seven hundred dollars.

      • 8** H¤b*"·M*°*‘· Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior, Michigan: For fog signal at Eagle

Harbor, Lake Superior, Michigan, five thousand dollars. Squaw P<>i¤t Mich- At or near Squaw Point, Little Bay de Noquet, a light, at a cost not exceeding five thousand dollars. oi·¤¤¤1Mmi¤,Mic1¤. Grand Marais Harbor of Refuge, Lake Superior, Michigan: For a light and bell at the Grand Marais Harbor of Refuge, now completed, on Lake Superior, Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars. M¤¤d¤¤··1¤¤¤· Mendota Light Station, Michigan: For reestablishing the light station at or near Mendota Bete Grise Bay, entrance to Lac la Belle, Lake Superior, Michigan, seven thousand five hundred dollars. M};‘;f=*S° L°k° C°°‘*‘· Portage Lake Ship Canal pier head fog signal, Michigan: For establishing a fog signal at Portage Lake Ship Canal pier head light station, Lake Superior, Michigan, five thousand five hundred dollars. G¤>‘¤H¤=b°*·‘V¤¤h· Grays Harbor Light Station, Washingtoii: For completing the light and fog-signal station at Grays Harbor, Washington, thirty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. Capt; Disappcinr- North Head Light Station, Washington: For establishing a iirst- "“°"“*“ ““"‘ order light on North Head, Cape Disappointment, seacoast of Washington, twenty-tive thousand dollars. ‘ E;¤¤:fi1l;¤_R¤ef.Wa¤h· Umatilla Reef Light—Ship, off the Straits of Fuca, Vlfashington: For 'g '° "" constructing, equipping, and outfifting a steam light-ship, with steam fog signal to be established at or near Umatilla Reef, at the Flattery Rocks, off the Straits of Fuca, Washington, forty thousand dollars. and the total cost of said steam light-ship with a steam fog signal, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars.