48 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 2. 1897. hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available. nssmmmvcrcour Improving Missouri River from mouth to Sioux City, Iowar _ For con- ”Ei:;,,_.t., tinuing improvement of Missouri River from its mouth to _S1oux City, Iowa, including salaries, clerical, office, traveling, and miscellaneous expenses of the Missouri River Commission, survey , permanent bench - marks, and gauges, three hundred thousand dollars; of the sum heretofore appropriated for improving the Missouri River, the Secretary of War is directed to expend not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ¤•br••k• City- to repair and protect the works in the neighborhood of Nebraska City, 1*****- an me sms of Nebraska _ sunmsrum-,1=·1.. The unexpended balance of the appropriation for the rmprovement of the Suwanee River, Florida, may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended for deepening the West Pass of the Suwanee River at its mouth. cunr.•n,H1¤¤. A sum not exceeding llfteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the money heretofore appropriated for the construction of reservoirs at the head waters of the Mississippi River may be used and is hereby made available for the payment of damages for lands and tenements overilowed or injured by the construction of a reservoir and dam at Gull Lake, Minnesota. rnswsm riywaer, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to invesi¤*°¤¤*l¤*~*°¤ °¤ °*°· tigate the extent of the obstruction of the navigable waters of Florida, - Louisiana, and other South Atlantic and Gulf States by the aquatic plant known as the water hyacinth, and to perform such experimental work as he shall deem necessary to determine some suitable and feasible plan or method of checking and removing such obstacle, so far as it is a hindrance to interstate or foreign commerce, and to retport the results of such investigation and experimental work; and e sum of tive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the cost thereof. Wgicrysy nm That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, directed to cause a ¥,,‘§‘§,,",}_"§’,f"¤" surveyto be made to examine into the feasibility and advisability of the improvement of the waterway beginning at a point at or near the site selected for Lock Numbered Thirteen, on the Warrior Biver, and continuing up Valley River from its mouth, following the general course of said stream, to Bessemer, Alabama ; thence up the Valley to Birmingham and beyond to Five Mile Creek, at a point where sufficient head can be obtained to supply water for that part of said route between Five Mile Creek and Bessemer, Alabama, so as to secure a channel to have a minimum depth of six feet and be at least fifty feet in width at the water line, and to ascertain the cost of such improvement, and the cost of such survey shall be defrayed from the nnexpended balance of the funds heretofore appropriated for the improvement of the Black Warrior River from Tuscaloosa to Daniels Creek. gglgnc 1;::. For the purchase of a dredge boat for use in the harbor improvement g°at Sabine Pass, Texas, one hundred thousand dollars, and for the expense of operating the same during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, thirty thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. nmrnubor. Imrnovnmmmr OF PEARL Hannon: For expense of necessary sur- §};§[°{jj §§§j vey of entrance to and of Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, and to . enable the Secretary of the Navy to ascertain and report to Congress the amount of land necessary to be acquired in said harbor and the probable cost thereof for a coaling and repair station, ten thousand dollars. · Moms B¤y.A¤¤ For maintaining and keeping open the channel in Mobile Bay, in the State of Alabama, twenty-tive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight. E¤¤i¤¤~*¤¤·¤¢¤· And hereafter the Secretary of War shall annually submit estimates in detail for river and harbor improvements required for the ensuing
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