FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 49 fiscal year to the Secretary of the Treasury to be included in, and carried into the sum total of, the Book of Estimates. NATIONAL CEMETERIES. Nationalcemeteries. FOR NATIONAL CEMETERIES! For maintaining and improving M¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤¢¤· national cemeteries, including fuel for superintendents of national cemeteries, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materials, one hundred thousand dollars. FOR SUPERINTENDENTS OF NATIONAL OEMETERIES: For pay of superintendents. seventy-tive superintendents of national cemeteries, sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. HEADSTONES FOR GRAVES OF SOLDIERS: For continuing the work H¤=¤<1et<>¤_¤¤ for of furnishing headstones for unmarked graves of Union soldiers, sail- g""°° °t°°1d‘" ‘ · ors, and marines in national, post, city, town, and village cemeteries, naval cemeteries at navy-yards and stations of the United States, and other burial places, under the Acts of March third, eighteen hundred ",¤{- P-gg and seventy-three, and February third, eighteen hundred and seventy- °' ’p` ‘ nine, twentyfive thousand dollars. A REPAIRING ROADWAYS TO NATIONAL OEMETERIES: For repairs to nnmwnys. roadways to national cemeteries which have been constructed by special authority of Congress: Provided, That no railroad sh all be per- Pmm. mitted upon the right of way which may have been acquired by the ,,§,°}‘,fa'_§j}§f{‘,§,’{,§f,n}’Y United States to a national cemetery. or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United States, eight thousand dollars. BURIAL OF INDIGENT SOLDIERS: For expenses of burying in the Mjjiggi of i¤diz¤¤* Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of ' Columbia, indigent ex—Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of the late civil war who die in the District of Columbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding ufty dollars for such burial · expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, two thousand dollars, ROAD T0 NATIONAL CEMETERY, Pansrmo OF SAN FRANCISCO, C§;,¤·¤*»T¤¤P~¤idi¤· CALIFORNIA: For continuing the work of improving the reservation ` at the Presidio of San Francisco, California, the reclaiming of sand dunes, the planting of trees and shrubs, and construction of new roads, the erection of a permanent fence or wall on the south and east lines of the reservation, the erection of permanent gateways, the reclamation of the marsh, and other general and much·needed improvements, five thousand dollars. ROAD TO NAT1ONAr. CEMETERY, PENsAooLA, F1.OmnA: For the m§¤~1 =¤ P¤¤¤¤¤··*¤· purpose of shelling or otherwise improving to completion the roadway Pm, p. uu. trom Pensacola, Florida, to the national cemetery near that city, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ROAD TO NATIONAL CEMETERY, SPRINGFIELD, Mrssonm: For MEMW Sv¤"*¤¤¤<>M· the construction and completion of an extension of Phelps boulevard, ` the Government road from Springfield, Missouri, to the national cemetery near that city, beginning at the north end of said boulevard and extending north to East Walnut street, a distance of about eight hundred and thirty-four feet, two thousand seven hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That a right of way {,’r··;i·*°i. 3 twenty-tive feet in width is donated to the Government. lg ° W y` MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, WAR DEPARTMENT. MiS°°“’”*°°“°· SURVEY OF NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN LAKESZ FOP pI'll1tll1g Survey of northern, and issuing charts tbr use of navigators and electrotyping plates for °°°‘*]“k“‘ chart printing, two thousand dollars. For surveys, additions to, and correcting engraved plates, to be available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. TRANSPORTATION OF REPORTS AND MAPS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES: Tr¤¤¤i>¤r¤¤z ¤¤¤I>¤· For the transportation of reports and maps to foreign countries through the Smithsonian Institution, one hundred dollars. vox. xxx—;
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