50 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897.
- ¤¤‘¤¤*·l l*¤·l**‘— ARTIHOIAL LIMBS: For furnishing artiiicial limbs and apparatus or
‘ commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, to be disbursed under the directiopl of the Secretary of War, one hundred and eighty- three thousand dollars. maspunnpes mr an- Arrnmucus Fon mssnnmn _ sonnmns: For furnishing surgical ‘°"‘°"‘ appliances to persons disabled in the military or naval service o;t‘ the United States, and not entitled to artificial limbs or trusses for the same disabilities, to bedd(§sb;1rsed under the direction of the Secretary of War, two thousan dollars. Providence H¤¤ri— SUPPORT AND MEDICAL TREATMENT or DESTITUTE PATIENTS: °“}3,,¤,,,,,,, l,,;,,,,,,, For the support and medical treatment of ninety-five medical and surgical patients who are destitute, in the city of Washingtoii, undera , contract to be made with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeou—General of the Army, nineteen thousand dollars. Gaqneld Hospital- GAJ;·.FmLD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: For maintenance, to enable it to M’“"“"“’°°‘ provide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay therefor, nineteen thousand dollars. 0¤i¤i¤1P·¤s¤¤·W¤ PUBLIGATION OF Omvrcux. Rncoims or THE WAR or THE Baum.- ' °*`ri °l,°FIfi.n.¤.. LION: For continuing the publication of the Official Records of the
- ¤¤· Union and Coniederate armies, in accordance with the plan approved
by the Secretary of War August third, eighteen hundred and eighty, and for the compensation of the civilian members of the board of pub- V¤l-¤5.i>·W0- lication, appointed in accordance with the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and for the compensation of such temporary expert services in connection with the preparation, publication, and distribution of said records as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of War, and for the purchase of stationery and for additional rent, not exceeding six hundred dollars, one hundred and nfteen thou-
", ,0 be sand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized
misty swam, and directed to furnish a complete set of Official Records of the war of •*°·°***·°°¤¤°••·°°°· the rebellion to each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in the Fiity- iburth Congress who is not already entitled by law to receive the same; ` and he is further authorized to use for this purpose such incomplete sets as remain on hand uncalled for by the beneliciaries designated to receive them under the authority contained in the Acts approved §,’§};§§;{j;§,2§g August slevegth,1 eighlteenhhundiieél and eightytwo, and March tenth, eighteen un re an eig ty-eig . cg_g·g{gg;_ wm Gsnironura Dénms Commission: For defraying the expenses of nxpenm. the Commission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act of Con- "° ·"·P·‘°"· gress approved March iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, iiiteen thousand dollars. Nw Yvrk ¤¤r¤>¤r- Hannon or N uw Youxs For prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City: 1¤·p¢¤¢»¤.¤¤¤. For pay of inspectors and deputy inspectors, office force, and expenses of office, ten thousand two hundred and sixty dollars; V·>•¤•>¤¤- For pay of crews and maintenance of four steam tugs and three launches, forty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty dollars; _ In all, fifty-nine thou and dollars. M”*‘°¤' ’°“*‘· “'Y°· Miniraur Roan, Wromrxo-: For the construction of a military road from Port Washakie, Wyoming, by the most practicable route near the Wind River and the mouth of the Buffalo Fork of Snake River, near acksons Lake, in Uinta County, Wyoming, to be expended under pheéldirecgxon of three War Department, ten thousand dollars, or so muc ereo as may necessary. ,w‘jgf,*(,‘§;‘,§§{_‘;,§§§,';1j _ DEE? Wacrmzwsrs Conmssiouz For surveys and examinations A;g:¤:i;¤g;w¤¢¤¤· (including estimate of cost) of deep waterways and the routes thereon '_between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic tide Waters, as recommended by the report of the Deep Waterways Commission transmitted by the President to Congress January eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety- £gj{dpf°;%;f¤F·°*°· seven, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Such examinations and ’ surveys shall be made by a board of three engineers, to be designated by the President, one of whom may be detailed from the Engineer