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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/124

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72 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 178,180, 182. 1900. April 5· 1900- S CZEAP. 178.—An Act To establish light and fog signal at Browns Point, in Puget Oui]. . ‘ ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United eggglvglgi Poiot Pu- States of America in Oangress assembled, That a light and fog signal be g Lightaifd reg signal established and constructed at Browns Point, on ommencement Bay, °s°‘**’“Sh°d M- in Puget Sound being at the entrance of the harbor of the city of Tacoma; said light and fog signal not to exceed the cost of six thousand dollars. Approved, April 5. 1900. April 7. 1900- CHAP. 180.-An Act To complete the establishment and erection of a military

‘—‘_`"" post near the city of Sheridan, in the State of \Vyoming, and making appropriation

therefor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Re resentatioes 0 f the United §;1?rgi¤5¤. lvgo- mb States of America in Congress assembled, thpat the Secretary) of War Hshéé n;i.§°°S eibe, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to complete the establishment and erection of a military post near the city of Sheridan, in gis Stapecof Wyoiéiing, it thke site hgretofore sielectedl bg the Majoré enera omman in the rm an a rove b * the ecretar 0 War. The said postgshall contairn not leg;) than ond thousand two hundred and eighty acres, and the selection shall be from lands heretofore withdrawn from settlement for this purpose belonging to the United States and a part of the public domain. Appropriation. Sec. 2. That there is hereby appro riated, out of any money in the Tregsgry not otlgerwise a(pp1rop§ate<§tl5e sum of cénehhugdred thoui san dollars, to e ex en e un er the irection 0 the ecretary 0 War in continuing thd) work of constructing the necessary buildings, quarters, barracks, and stables for the post established under the orovisions of this bill. Approved, April T. 1900. _ April 9, 1900, CHAP. 182.—An Act To settle the title to real estate in the city of Santa Fe, New -—-———·—·———· Mexico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflteéoresentatifves of the United izpggsggéikggywu States of America in Oengress assembled, That the United States of isnsg. ’ America hereby releases and quitclaims unto the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, and its successors, all right, claim, or interest which the United States may have in or to any and all of the lands embraced within the present survey of the Santa Fe grant as the same appears on file in the General Land Oihce in Washington and in the office of the surveyorgeneral for the district of New Mexico, and approved by H. M. Atkinson, surveyor-general, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office, being a tract containing four square Spanish leagues, having for the center thereof the soldiers’ monument in the center of the plaza of said city, and extending one Spanish league therefrom to each of the cardinal pogits of thi compjmss, and pgtent fpom the ignited Sgages shitll issue there or; t is said grant an quite aim to the city 0 anta e being to it as a municipal cor oration for all parks, streets, alleys, vacant unoccupied lands, or other public places now existing within said limits, and to the said city in trust for the benefit of all persons claiming title to their individual holdings of real estate within such limits by actual possession or under color of title for the period of ten Pwnc, years prior to the passage of this Act: lbmzided, That there is expressly "‘°S°“'°‘m°mg'““" reserved from this grant and quitclaim all lands and buildings now occupied or claimed by the United States for its Federal building,