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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/125

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 182-185. 1900. 73 national cemetery, the Fort Marcy Reservation, and Indian schools; and also reserving therefrom any. private land grants that may have been, or may hereafter be confirmed by the Court of Private Land Claims or other authority of the United States. Sec. 2. That it is hereby made the duty of the mayor and clerk of €,2€¢d¤ Oi ¤¤ii¤i¤i¤¤· said city, and of their successors in office, to execute proper deeds of ' quitclaim to the persons entitled thereto under this Act for their respective holdings of real estate ufpon such claimants applying therefor and presenting proper deeds or the signatures of such officers, without any expense to the said applicants, and such deeds when executed shall be taken in all courts and places as a relinquishment of any claim or title to the lands therein described on the part of the United States. Sec. 9. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after sneer. its passage. Approved, April 9, 1900. CHAP. 183.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue patent to April 9, 1900. the city of Elreno, Oklahoma, for cemetery purposes. ___-**" Be it enacted by t/le Senate and House ofRe esentatiwes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thjziqt the Secretary of the E1r¢¤<>.0k1¤- Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue a patent will i§lii1.t°’ mr up to the city of Elreno, Oklahoma, for cemetery urposes, to the following-described land, to wit: The east half of the northeast quarter of section sixteen, township twelve, range seven, in Canadian County, Oklahoma: Provided, That said city pay one dollar and twenty-five P»·cv¤>w· cents per acre therefor, which sum shall be paid over to the Terri— Paym°mp°r°°r°` torial school fund. Approved, April 9, 1900. CHAP. 184.-An Act Ratifying an appropriation by the legislature of Oklahoma. Aprn 9,1900. out of the Morrill fund, for the use of the university at Langston for colored students. ‘~*‘—*"·—‘_‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho use of Representatives 0 f t/te Matted States of America in Congress assembled, That the appropriation made oklahoma Territory. by the territorial legislature of the Territory of Oklahoma, by section ;.f§{§if§€§,21i§§‘},‘§ulQSi five of an act approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, {,9,% University i¤iientitled “An Act making appropriations for erecting, maintaining, ` and supporting the educational institutions of the Territory of Oklahoma for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-nine and nineteen hundred," be, and the same is hereby, ratified and confirmed Approved, April 9, 1900. CHAP. 185.-An Act To create the northwestern division of the northern district April 12, 1900. of Georgia for judicial purposes and to iix the time and place for holding court ’—‘——‘;*` therein. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Re 7·esentat2'*ves of the [batted States of Amwiea in Congress assembled, thlrt the counties of Dade, _N¤rth·3r¤ 5¤di<=i¤¤ wsiker, careers, Whitiield, Murray, chsaeogs, Gerson, Flo ·d, Bm-- "‘§£Li¥.$.?.§i$‘£§.*="*.i·i.r. tow, Polk, Paulding, Haralson, and Carroll, in the State of Georgia, *‘i°“ °’°“*°‘i· shall constitute the northwestern division of the northern judicial district of Geor ia, and a term of the circuit and district courts for Term or courts at said district shalfbe held in said division hereby created at the city of R°‘“°‘ Rome on the third Monday of May and the third Monday of November