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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/735

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 820, 821. 1900. 683 CHAP. 820.-—A A T d `A h'b' h assage. . laws in the Territhird , El lihillllllilb 'lggritbtliz g3Gl')t;lIl18:S?8.11d so (fd:1l)l$cml or l°`7’°l Be it enacted tbie Senate and House of R'1¥1~esentat2}ves of the United States of America_in Congress assembled, at the Act of Congress rmaonss. app roved July thirt1eth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six entitled ,dV°1‘2‘**"’7°·““‘°“°' ‘ in Act to prohibit the passage of local or special laws of the Terri- l tor1es of the United States, to limit Territorial indebtedness, and for other purposes," is hereby amended so as to permit, authorize, and Municipal bond islegahze the issuance of bonds by chartered municipal con orations Zlib; iii.? gulllllgiqillbdl having a bona fide population of not less than ten thousandp ersons, - 1n any Territory of the United States, for erecting a city building and purchasing the ground for the same._ The limitations of said Act of _ uly thiriiieth, eighteen l}1;’ndre;2c;¢§.n%lp1g%ty-six, shall not apply to such municipa corporations: ooi at e oreany bonds shall be issued Pr »z . . the mayoii and com1{)1onhc$1ncil bfhsuch municipal corploration shall ,S,]§§’"8g:’ ‘° *"°°°d° cause an e ection to e e in suc city or town and the mayor and I common council of such municipal coigoratidn sliall cause to be pub- -¤¤nce or. lished in a newspaper of genera circu tion published in said city or town a notice of the time and place or places of holding such election. Such notice shall be given not more than sixtly nor less than thirty days _ before such election. On the question of the issuance of said bonds —q¤¤1i¤e<1 voters. no person shall be qualified to vote except he be in all respects a qua iiied elector and owner of real orpersonal property subject to taxation within the municipality. In case two-thirds of the qualified voters. as above described, shal vote aflirmatively for the issuance of said bonds, then the magor and common council shall issue the same, and not otherwise. Sai bonds shall contain all necessary rovisions r¤m,mmes»,em, gs tolformd and such Enungcipalgty slgxlldpgovgde g proper sinlring fund or the re em tion o said bon s. ai on s s all not bear a rate of interest exceeding five per centum, and the interest shall be paid semiannually, and none of said bonds shall be sold at less than their par value: Provided farther, That no city under this Act shallissue bonds Limit omsue. in` excess of thirty thousand dollars. Approved, June 6, 1900. CHAP. 821.-An Act To amend the Act of Congress approved May fourteenth, June 6,1900. _ piglétegn hundred and eighty, entitled "An Act for the relief of settlers on the public _"H"`; 8.11 S. - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oftbe United States of America in Congress assemble ·, That the third section of the pgpiép iaiigg. Act of Congress approved May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and '- ’p' ' eighty, ent1t ed "An Act for the relief of settlers on the publ1c lands," - be amelpded by adding tgereto the gdlolyvini: f I d , "W ere an unmarrie woman w o as ereto ore sett e or ma .E¤t1‘$woman’smarhereafter settle, upon a tract of (public land, improved, estdblishedl; iighi lit ligmggbbx and maintained a bona Bde residence thereon, with the intention of °“""· appropriating the same for a home, subject to the homestead law, and has marr1ed, or shal; hereafter marry, before makinglentry of said land, or before making application to enter said land, s e shall not on account of her marriage orfeit her right to make entxly and receive gatent for the land: Provided, That she does not aban on her resi- _£_’)’i>”,*;g¤· Otherwise ence on sa1d land, and is otherwise qualihed to make homestead entry: qua1mea,·a¤. Provided furtber, That the man whom she marries is not, at the time §*gguf,°g;*g;b§L{,if¤ of tgciir marriage, claiming a separate tract of land under the homestea aw. " That this Act-shall be apiplicable to all unpatented lands claimed scope of ace. by such entrywoman at the ate of passage." Approved, June 6, 1900.