958 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 1408. 1905. Paper with printed headings, billheads, forms for invoices, labels, printed cards, printed enveloples, and the like, and printed blank books shall pay duty under t 's number with a surtax of fift per centum: _ _ _ igrwided, That none of the articles classified in this paragraph _ shall pay a less duty than twenty per centum ad valorem. camps. Gnoor 3.—PAPER PRINTED, ENGRAVED, QR PHOTOGRAPHED. Printed. wsnved. 180. Books, bound or unbound, and other printed matter not specially ¤*¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤>¤·=°· prgvidgd for, N, W., one hundred kilos, three dollars; (a) Printed music, with or without words, N. W., kilo, ten cents. 181. Blank books, unprinted, N. W., one hundred kilos, four dollars; (a) Blank books, printed, N. W., one hundred kilos, five dollars: md, That none of the articles classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad 182. n vin etcin , o s,ma ,an ca ,no cse- Evalomml i h h tograph d h rts rt l vglizre giovided Engr, handpainted desgns or drawings in oil, water color, pastels, and pen and ink drawings for use in manufacturing and in_ industrial arts and sciences, N. W., kilo, thirty cents. ` 183. Lithographs, chromolithographs, oleographs, and so forth, printed from stone, zinc, aluminum, or other material, used as labels, flaps, bands, and wrappers for tobacco or other pu ses: (a) Oxlpgne to three printings, inclusive, including articles solely printed in bronze (bronze printing to be counted as three priutings), but not includin an article printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, N. NV., kilo, five cents; (b) Of four to seven printings, inclusive (bronze printing to be counted as three priutings), but not includin any article printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, W., kilo, twenty cents; (c) Of eight to thirteen printings, inclusive (bronze printing to be counted asthree priutings), but not including any article printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, N. W., kilo, forty cents; (d) Of more than thirteen printings (bronze printing to be counted as three priutings), includin all articles printed in whole or in part in metal leaf, N. VW, kilo, eighty cents. Gr<>¤1>4- Gaotrr 4.——WALL PAPER. W¤¤1v¤1>¢r· 184. Wall per, printed: (a) 82 natural ground, N. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars; (b) Ora dell or glazed ground, N. W., one hundred kilos, four o ars; (c) With old, silver, wool or glass, N. W., one hundred kilos, " ten dollars. G¤>¤x· 5- Gnour 5.—PAs*rmBOARn AND vnuous 1>A1·En.s. P¤¤*·**>¤·¤<*·¤¤¤· 185. Sand, emery, and glass paper, N. W., one hundred kilos, one dollar and seventv-five cents. 186. Blotting paper, N. W., one hundred kilos, two dollars. 187. Copying and stereotype paper, paper known as bibulous paper, _ tissue paper, pottery paper, etterpress copying books, surface-coatcd papers of all kinds, plain basic photographic papers for albuminizing, sensitizing or baryta coating and rawing and tracing paper; crepe, filter, and gum paper, Qhinese mnlberry and lucky papers and all per not specially provided for in this tariff, N. W., kilo, ijdlur cents;
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