990 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1421,1422. 1905. March 3. 1905. CHAP. 1421.-An Act To cause certain lands heretofore withdrawn from market [S- 6***] for reservoir purposes to be restored to the public domain, subject to entry under the |_Pub1ic,No. 154.] homestead law, with certain restrictions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRqn·esen.tatioes of the United fgfgf §,,°,?;,,d ,0,. States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby restored reservvim M bud- to the public domain, subject to the easement provided for 1H section h’ii§:e$.,ii$Br:li¥g two hereof, all the lands described in a certain proclamation of the» P“"“° ‘*°""*”· President of the United States, dated November twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, Executive Document Numbered Eight. hundred and seventytwo, withdrawin and withholding certain lands. from market or entry and reserving the same to aid in the construction of certain reservoirs to be built at the headwaters of the Missisippi and Saint Croix rivers, in the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and of the Chippewa and Wisconsin rivers, in the State of Wisconsin, except lot seven of section thirt -three, and lot five of section thirty- four, township one hundred and, fortv-four, range twenty-eight west. H•>¤¤¤¤*=¤¤¤ ¤¤¤Y· of the fifth principal meridian; and that these lands when so restored shall be sub act to homestead entry only. mfgé, w <>v<¤¤¤W Sec. 2. Tlhat the lands hereby restored shall forever be and remain ` subject to the right of the United States to overilow the same, or any thereof by such reservoirs as now’exist or may hereafter be constructed upon the headwaters of the Mississippi River, and all patents. issued for the lands hereby restored shall expressly reserve to the . ‘ United States such right of overflow. P¤=f¤¤’¤¤¢=¢ ¤8¤¤- Sec. 3. That in all cases where any of the lands restored to the public. domain by the first section of this Act have heretofore been sold or disposed of by the pro rofficers of the United States under color of the public-land laws, and dh; consideration received therefor is still retained y the Government, the title of the purchasers may be confirmed, subject to the easement reserved by section two, if, in the o inion of the Secretary of the Interior, justice requires it; and in allpcases where _ iirst or preliminary homestead entries have been made of the lands hereby restored, and the entrymeu have attempted to make final proof and final entry, such entrymen shall have a preferred and prior right to enter such lands under the homestead law on showing a. compliance ` with the requirements of said law as to settlement, cultivation, proof, · and payment. w"“"‘*'°'°‘°"‘ Sec. 4. That no rights of any kind, except as specified in the fore~ going section, shall attach by reason of settlement or squatting upon any of the lands hereinbefore described before the day on which such lands shall be subject to homestead entry at the several land offices; and until said lands are opened for settlement no person shall enter upon and occupy the same, and any person violating this provision slhall never be permitted to enter any of said lands or acquire any title t ereto. -‘·¤¤¤¤t— Sec. 5. That this Act shall take effect six months after its approval by the President of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1905. N¤¤’¢h 8. 1906- CHAP. 1422.-An Act Relative to the commissions of officers who are under the
direction and control of the P .tm ·
[Public. so- 155.] and Labor, respectively. e os aster General and the Secretary of Commerce Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqyresentatives 0 the United §'{,’£,{j“,j{‘§§§¤,, in States of Anverica in Cbngress_qssernbZed, That hereafter die commis- {2*;*; c f<;•>¤g·,¤<}‘ $1:1; sions of all officers under the mrection and control of the Postmasternepmmems. General and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall be made out and recorded in the Post—Office Department and the Department of