FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1422-1424. 1905. 991 Commerce and Labor, respectively, and the De rtment seal affixed thereto, any laws to the contrary notwithstandihg: Provided, That mw the said seal shall not be afzligred to any such commission before the ` same shall have been signed by the President of the United States. And all commissions heretofore issued by the Department of Com- vailiil°r °°mmm°°° merce and labor with the seal of that Department affixed are hereby declared legal and valid. Approved, March 3, 1905. ` CHAP. 1428.-An Act Granting to the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad March 8.1905.
*‘°"°L‘t’»..i?°lL.s’“"‘ wsa? ¤*·z.Sh2°*e.-M sm-rd Pass: ——*
m a wa , , . , n S _* , _ Choctaiyv, Okliihbiha and Gulf Rail1£adpCofnphl§y, mdaii>(i·di2(t?erapmp)d1s¥h.€ge O [Public, No 156] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R@¢•esentatices of the United States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the Choctaw, Oklahoma gg1m T¢¤;i{¤p*- and Gulf Railroad Company be, and it is hereby, authorized and em— ma Gulllokvhlgoliid pgwered to sell and convey to the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific °‘§'§ff,“f§lf·,0 Chicago ilway Company all the railway property, rights, franchises, and Rgck grgd wl Pu: privileges of the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Company, and tidy .¤ti..ll-i2LaF°m` the Chica 0, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company IS hereby $g};§ g:?- authorizedg and empowered to purchase, hold, maintain, and operate ` the railway heretofore constructed or now owned by the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Com ny, subject, however, to all the conditions and limitations in the several Acts of Conpless authorizing the gzgauization of the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf ilroad Company a the construction of its lines in the Indian Territoy Provided, however, That before any such sale and conveyance shall m by _ M made the terms thereof shall be approved by a majority of the direc- icriry of dimron tors of the Choctaw, Oklahoma an Gulf Railroad Company: Provided, That said purchasing company shall, by said purchase, be and become “*"’*““°*·°'°· liable and assume the payment of all existing liabilities of said selling companly, and all suits now pending against said Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gu f Railroad Company shall proceed to iinal judgment the same as if said sale had not been made. Sec. 2. That all the provisions of any Act of Congress inconsistent R°P¤¤· with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1424.-An Act To amend section twenty-two hundred and eighty-eight M°E§l{,.?é,l?°*· of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United H d I States of America in Congress assem led, That section twenty-two R{${°$,°{°'{”,,§§}L$',§¥_ hundre and eighty-eight of the Revised Statutes be amended so as to sjégagf- ”**· P- *1**- read as follows: " Sec. 2288. Any bona fide settler under the preemption, homestead, u*}g1*_;;dj>* ”°¤°‘°' or other settlement law shall have the right to transfer, by warranty against his own acts, any portion of his claim for church, cemetery, or school purposes, or for the right of way of railroads, telegraph, telephones, canals, reservoirs, or ditches for irrigation or drainage across it; and the transfer for such public purposes shall in no way vitiate the right to complete and perfect the title to his claim." Approved, March 3, 1905.