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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1079

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992 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1425-1427. 1905. March 3.1905- CHAP. 1425.—An Act To reinstate Kenneth McAlpine as a lieutenant in the

 [S. 6846.] Navy_

[P¤bhc,N0-158-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United gggtmmm 0, States of America in Congress assembZed,_That the Ifresident of the lgenneth McA1pi¤e as United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with }{Q'{‘{§f':'§{hK,'};,§§fiv° the advice and consent of the Senate, Kenneth McAlpine a lieutenant on the active list of the Navy, to take rank as number one on the list of lieutenants, the said Kenneth McAl ine having served for a period of twenty-1ive years and ten months, fliom September, eighteen hundred andyseventy-seven, to July, nineteen hundred and three, as an en ineer omcer in the Nagy. apwngexw mm Sec. 2. That the said enneth McA1pine shall receive no pay or emolument except from the date of his appointment, and that he shall be additional to the number of officers prescribed by law for the grade of lieutenant in the Navy, and to any grade to which he mav hereafter L°¤¢°'“Y· be promoted. And that for the purpose of comcputing his pay his longevity shall be considered the same as if he ha never been out of the service. 8***** *°¤¤'*°*°°· Sec. 3. That the said Kenneth McAlpine shall perform engineering duty only. ‘ Approved, March 3, 1905. March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1426.-An Act To authorize the resurvey of certain lands in the State of [S 694*] Wyoming. blic, No. 159. [Pu _ 1 Be it enacted by t/ae Senate and House ofR@resentatig:es of the United f¥,‘,§‘,E‘,1§§;,, cm,,,, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the j¤:é·&¤¤i1>¤i¤.¤¤w¤r— Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be _ made a resurvey of the following townships in the State of \Vyoming: °°“°“’“°“· Townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-two north; ranges one hundred and one, one hundred and two, one hundred and three, one hundred and four, one hundred and five, one hundred and six, one hundred and seven, and one hundred and eight west of the sixth principal meridian; and townships twenty-three and twenty-four north, ranges one hundred and one and one hundred and two west of the sixth principal meridian; and township twenty- four north, rangps one hundred and three and one hundred and four Ferirégg regulations west of the sixt principal meridian. And all rules and re lations ’°°“°of the Department of the Interior requiring petitions from alllsettlers on said lands asking for a resurvey and an agreement to abide by the . result of the survey, so far as these lands are concerned, are hereby gromiugae Mmmm abrogated: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so connema. strued as to impair the (present bona tide rights or claims of any actual occupant of any of said lands so occupiedg to the amount of land to whic , under the law, he is entitled. Approved, March 3, 1905. M}‘;l;,§·_1¥*· _ 1{127.—An Act Providing for an additional circuit judge in the seventh ~.T.A judicial circuit, and for the appointment of an additional judge for the northern dis- [P¤bl¤¢. N0- 160] trict of I llmois and for creating an additional district in the State of Illinois, to be known as the eastern district of Illinois, and for the appointment of a judge and other officers of ¤»= 1d district, and for changing the boundaries of the districts in Illinois, , and for establishing places for holding court in the several districts thus created. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R n esentattfves o the [U1 {ted

 States af America in Congress assembled, mt there shé be in the

qgfbsygy-P M seventh circuit an additional circuit judge, who shall be appointed by ’ the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Siaonate, and shall possess the same qualifications and shall have the same powers