FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1427. 1905. 993 and jurisdiction and receive the same compensation prescribed by law in respect to circuit judges of the United States. Sec. (That dug: shall bsgn and for tjne northern (district of Illi- mil? l"'“°**‘ ‘“* nois an `tionatrict ju e who shal be appointe by the Presi- A¤di¤¤¤¤U¤¤z¤i¤r dent, by lpnd with the advice and colpspnjm of th; Senate, and shall °'i{,°hg$f°.,§“?§°E]f°g,_¤_ ssess the same quai cations and s al ve the same wers and ` `iii)risdictioné•.]nd gleceive the same compensation prescribedoby law in respecttoo er 'strict judges. _ nc. 3. That the northern district of Illinois hereafter shall consist cg}-¤¤•z¢· of the followingvconnties in the Stateof Illinois, to wit: Lake, Mc- 1z.s.,m.¤sol:°;iii§§ Henry, Smgzbago, Stelphe3son,dJo Eavgsp, (gsrrollb White- “"‘°‘*“°· side, Lee g e, lb e run y en ane, upage Will, and’Cook, and that all othei· countiesiiu the nomhern district of Illinois as the same has heretofore existed be, and the same are hereby, detached from the northern district of Il1mo1s and annexed to the southern and eastern districts of Illinois as hereinafter provided. ‘ Sec. 4. That the northern district of Illinois shall be divided into m_B¤:;i3¤:!·i¤ vit . two divisiops, to be kppwn as the eséstern and western divisions. The vajivnm. M counties o Boone innebago tephenson, o Daviess Carroll · Whiteside, Lee, and Ogle shall cbnstitute the western divisihn of said northern district of Illinois, the courts for which shall beheld at the cit of Free rt. · Sino. 5. Thsit the terms of the circuit and district courts in and for n'{1¤¤F·¤;:e ntrhvhicasc said northern district of Illinois shall be held at the city of Chicago, as n. s., eggs. am, ass, now provided by law, and at the cig of Freeport, in the western divi- W °°· '“°· sion of said district, on the third ondays of April and October of _ each year. » . Sec. 6. That big civil suits gp; olfda loc;.] naflurte, and allfcriliminag J¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤- rosecutions s be commen ,a trie in the ivision o the sai iiorthern district of Illinom where th; defendant or defendgnjzs ri-fide or the offense is committe · ut if there are two or more e en nts in civil suits residing in theidiiferent divisions or districts, the action may be brought in either in which Either of lthe éiefendants may reside. When the defendant is a nonresident of the istrict action may be brought1in either division of said district wherein the defendant may be foun . That the marshal and clerk of said district shall each, respectively, lbgpgjgpnmhalnud appoint at least one deputv to reside in said city of Freeport, unless ° " °°"°"‘ he shall reside there himself, and also maintain an office at that place of holdin court. Sec. 7 .gThat the division heretofore made of the northern district "{jq;gg{(yn·;,¤d¤¤¤¢¤· of Illinois into two divisions, known as the northern and southern v01. 24, p. 442. divisions of the northern district of Illinois, is hereby abol1shed,_provided that this Act shall not work a discontinuance of any Slut. or Pmzrg *“ *8* s¤““r.;dm‘*:&::; 0:: ‘*“:**:r:.2‘.; ::..*:::2;:r rocee in now pen mg in e sou ·n rv1s on _ s· _ iiiet of Idinois, but all of said suits or proceedings so ppnding are mP$g;·;¢d tg¤_::;_g hereby transferred to the southern district of Illinois as y this det emaxm-m. ` constituted, and shall be heard and disposed of in said southern d1str1ct of Illinois as though origjngly institptecl in said southern district olf Illi 'sg and it shall be the uty of the c erk of the court rom w ic '1`¤¤¤¤¤i*¤·¤ <>f M suchTuit or proceeding is transferred to transmit to the clerk of the °m’ m' court to which the transfer is mad; (the entire piles or papers in all of .a'd causer and all documents an eposits in is court pertaining theieio, together with a certified transcript of the record under the seal of the court of all orders, interlocutory decrees, or other entries in any or all of said causes; and he shall also certify under the seal of the court that the papers sent are al} which sire onrflile in saidfcouig belon in to said caupes respective y; for t c pe ormance o said Fees. dutiegsaigd clerks shall receive the same fees as are now allowed by law for similar services, to be taxed in the bill of costs and regularly vor xxxm, rr 1-63 ·
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