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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/109

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Siass. II. C11. 160. 1904. 21 United States and of foreign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of foreign governments, and other felonies committed against the laws of the United States relating to the pay and bounty laws, and for no other purpose whatever, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, six hundred dollars: Pwmiclezl, That §Q'{§f§,€S no part of this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any person e sunpcenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which ex enses shall be paid from the appropriation for “Fees of witnesses, United States courts." Eiwoncmmuzr or run Cmnnsn-¤xo1.Us1oN Aer: To pay amounts °¤i¤°¤** =*¤=1¤¤*<>¤· found due by the Auditor for the Treasury Department on account of the appropriation for “Enforcement of the Chinese—exclusion Act " for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, thirteen thousand four hundred and eighty-four dollars. CoI.LEc*rINc run REVENUE FROM cUs·roMs: To defray the expenses m$g}};g“¤g ¢¤¤¤>¤¤¤ of collecting the revenue from customs, being additional to the per- ` manent appropriation for this purpose, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, two million four hundred thousand dollars. SUPPLIES rUnNIsnr:D D1¤1srrrU•rE NATIVES OF ALASKA DURING AN 0,,*}f;,';f,“vPu§g1g{{,gi:s¤ EPIDEMIG IN NINETEEN HUNDRED: To pay amounts found due by the l{’¤ymé¤;•:o,rois¤;g accounting officers of the Treasury under the provisions of the deli- ¥l1EisAfl;,gpku£§?· M"' ciency Act of March third, nineteen hundred and three, on account of V°1·“2· P·1°“· suppl ies furnished to de titute natives of Alaska during an epidemic in the ear nineteen hundred, as follows: Alaska Exp oration Com- . pany, San Francisco, California, thirtiy-three dollars; Alaska Cornmercial Company, San Francisco, Ca ifornia twenty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifteen cents; North American Transportation andgfradin Company, Seattle, Washington, one thousand Eve hundred and fift —two dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, twenty-six thousand nine hundred and thirteen dollars and forty cents. · Owxicns or Bnrrrsrr STEAMSHIP Moem.: To pa r the amount found m;}lf]<£1»’ Brimh due by the accounting officers of the Treasury, under the provisions of ljaymehi wcwnsn. the deficiency Act of March third, nineteen hundred and three, to `°‘32’ P' 1°"’· Gallatly, Hankey and Company, of London, England, owners of the British steamship Mogul, for damages by reason of the collision between said steamship and the United States transport Warren in Manila Bay, December thirtieth, nineteen hundred, fifteen thousand three hundred and three dollars and seven cents. Rnmmrr or rms mxncurons or Jaums P. WILLETT1 To enable the -,;¤;3gl¤e££Vfgi§;gcu_ Secretary of the Treasury to carry out the“provisions of the "Act for um. “ the relief of the executors of James P. illett, deceased, late post- V""2*"1°°°‘ master of the District of Columbia," approved February twenty- eighth, nineteen hundred and three, five thousand dollars. _ _ Eitrcnrmr or EDWARD S. Crm.!.: To enable the Secretary of the Treas- §§w“;‘},$,,,‘f"‘“· ury to carry out the lprovisions of the "Act for the relief of Edward Vcmv. p. i611· S. Crill," approved ebruary sixteenth, nineteen hundred and three, one hundred and seventy-five dollars. · 7 _ REFUND or Dumas ro Noirm AMERICAN Tnsssronnrron AND T;Q,'§§‘p’},,,$§§"§;§ Tnanmo Comrumr: To refund to the North American Transportation Trsfggping M and Trading Company, of Seattle, Washington, the sum of one thousand and seventy-five dollars, being the amount of duties unlawfully collected from said company on account of cost of repairs of the barge New York, it appearing that said vessel was not enrolled and licensed under the laws of the United States within the meaning of section *‘·S···*°·3“‘·¤’-5** thirty-one hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes. REFUND ·ro OWNERS or Tue M. F. Pmsousz To refund to the col- SOQQE "M· F· *’¤*· lector of customs at Port Huron, Michigan, the sum of fifty dollars Rémud offlne.