994 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1427. 1905. collected with the other costs in said causes respectively; and such transcripts when so certified and received shall thenceforth constitute a part, of the record of said causes respectively in the court to which such transgay-I fer shall be made: Provided, 'I`hat all motions and causes submitted and all causes and proceedings, in law, equity, admiralty, or bankruptcy, pending in said southern division of the northern district of Illinois as heretofore constituted, in which evidence has been taken ii; whole or in part before the district judge of the northern district of Illinois, or taken in whole or in part and submitted to and passed u on by said district `udge of said northern district of Illinois, shallpbe retained, proceeded with, and disposed of in said northern district of Illinois as constituted in this Act, and for this urpose the venue of any such causes or roceedings may be changed) from the southern division of the northern district of Illinois as heretofore existing to the northern district of Illinois as constituted by this Act.
- ’*°¤°¤* °¤°°¤- Sec. 8. That all officers who have been heretofore appointed for the
northern district of Illinois as heretofore constituted who shall be in oilioe at the time of the taking effect of this Act and who reside therein as hereby constituted shall continue in omce as officers of the district of their residence until the expiration of their respective terms or until their successors are appointed and qualiiied, and shall perform the same duties and receive the same salary and compensation as heretofore. 8¤¤¤M¤¤i¤¢¤¤¢· Sec. 9. That the southern district of Illinois hereafter shall consist <£¤¤§* w5=;16P<;)¤1;•§· of the following-named counties, to wit: Rock Island, Henry, Bureau, ' "’' Mercer, Knox, Stark,. Putnam, Marshal], Henderson, Warren, Peoria, Woodford, Livingston, McLean, Tazewell, Fulton, McDonou h, Hancock, Dewitt, Logan, Mason, Schuyler, Adams, Brown, Cass,§Ienard, Macon, Sangamon, Christian, Morgan, Montgomery, Pike, Scott, Macoupin, reene, Calhoun, Jersey, Bond, and Madison, and that all the other counties heretofore contained in said southern district are ggreby dgtaahed fron1 lsaid sopthern disgrist and annexed to the eastern trict o inois, as ereina ter provide . m1£Ki:ine¤u<g.s0;gLg Sec. 10. That the southern district of Illinois shall be divided into magna0m, two divisions, to be known as the northern and southern divisions. Nm¤emmvm0¤_ The counties of Peoria, Bureau, Stark, Henrv, Rock Island, Mercer, Henderson, Warren, Knox, McDonough, Fulton, Putnam, Marshall, VVoodford, Tazewell, and Livingston shall constitute the northern divilsipéi of plaid soutpegn district of Illinois, the courts for which shall e e at the city o eoria. suits me or amen That all civil suits not of a local nature, and criminal prosecutions, °' °'°‘ must be brought in the division of the said southern district of Illinois where the defendant or defendants reside, or the offense is committed; but if there are two or more defendants in civil suits residing in the diiferentxlivisions or districts, the action may be brought in either in which either of the defendants may reside. When the defendant is a noggsidenz ofhthe_disgric&:, pctilon may b¤=i)p1koughlt in either division of sai istric w erem the e en ant ma oun . clerks. That the clerks of the circuit and disytrict courts of the southern district of Illinois shall be respectively the clerks of the courts of both divisions of the said district; that each of said clerks or his deputies shall keep an office open at all times at each of the places of holding of said court land shallfthlpredkcep the records,1iiles, and documents pertaining tot e court o t at ivision; and said c erks shall be entitled dgggggimsntoi to the same fees now allowed by law. In addition to his wers to ”" appoint deputlies, as now presclribeld by law, each oft said clgiks shall empowere to appoint, wit the a rova o the court, a chief delputy fprha couHt olf that divisgonhin whligh hp! himself may not reside, w o s a ave a the owers o the c erk in is absence. “f,’,°£“*¥“*”¤*‘•¤d That_the marshal and clerk for said southern district of Illinois shall respectzvely appoint at least one deputy residing in the said northern division, and also maintain an office at that place of holding court.