22 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160. 1904. received by him as a fine on the Canadian tug M. F. Parsons and deposited by him to the credit of the United States Treasurer July thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, for repayment by him to the owner or owners of the tug, O1' to the person or persons found by the collector to be entitled to receive the amount. wisc ¤<>¤¤¢S¢¢¤m- PAYMENT TO mn PACIFIC Coasr Srnamsmr Commun To pay the °hiii;)x°Qiii¤liaiicl` account of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company for damages to their steamer Ramona, caused by collision with the United States revenue steamer McCulloch off Martinez, California, April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and three, fifty dollars and thirteen cents. Internal revenue. COLLECTING INTERNAL REVENUE. d駰¤*¤· “°·· $*1** For salaries and expenses of agents, fees and expenses of gaugers, salaries and expenses of storekeepers and storekeepengaugers, and miscellaneous expenses incident to the collection of internal revenue, on énccoung of tiihe fiscsg nineteen hundred and three, one hundred an iift-ve thousand 0 rs. “ P”P°' ‘°' ”“““” To pgy amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Pa(per for internal-revenue stamps," for the fiscal year nineteen hundre and three, ten thousand - five hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty~nine cents. .d1u$¤¤¤¤1>¤<>¤ ¤f To pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the P°` Treasury on account of the appropriation "Redemption of stamps," one thousand five hundred and 5>rty-oue dollars and one cent. F-¤f¤¤¤i¤8 ¤¤•>¤- To pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation LcRBfUDd1l]g taxes illegally collected," fourteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven do lars and twenty-six cents. sc!1}v<;(Y6f¤¤¢·C*¤**¢f Rnvnunn-oU·rrnn snnvrcn. mmm w veesen, For amount necessa to meet ex nses for repairs to the revenue “°‘ steamers Galveston, lirzznhatten, fllirilson, Calumet, Fessenden, and Dexter, and for, increased cost of su lies and rations for the service, one hundred and fifty-six thousand ciislars. E¤P°¤°°°- To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Expenses of Revenue-Cutter Service " for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars and eight cents. P¤'°“° b°“*“¤8¤· PUBLIC Burnnrucs. gemquwcygilding. Treasury building, Washington, District of Columbia, special p°””’repairs: For enlarging the present drafting room of the Office of the Su rvising Architect, Treasury building, Washington, District of Coliigmbia, in order to furnish additional working space for an increase in the force, including all necessary changes in plumbing, and all changes incident to this work; and for all materials and labor required in the execution of the work, twelve thousand dollars. mwric wires For rewiring Treasury building for electric lighting, including exterior lighting, thirteen thousan five hundred dollars. Sewm- Replacing main sewers in north, south, and west corridors, subbase— ment, Treasury building, twenty-four thousand dollars. Pgglrgavinz and For additional labor and materials necessary to complete two vaults vamrsf now in course of construction at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the amount to be e nded under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, sixteenxglxlbusand dollars. B¤*·*°· N· Y- To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "Custom·house and p0st~office, Buffalo, New York,’ orty-four dollars and forty cents.
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