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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1101

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1014 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1448-1450. 1905. March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1448.-—An Act To define the limits of square eleven hundred and thirty- IH- R- m°°·1 one in inn city of Washington, meme of Columbia. s · [Pubm No- ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ig“f_}';'j_*e*f,§fl,'f,,‘;*g; States of America in Oangress assembled, That the surveyor of the Disariis defined} trict of Columbia is hereby authorized and directed to mark out an area as hereinafter more fully described, and the said surveyor of the District of Columbia is furt er directed to record a plat of said area surveyed and to designate it as square numbered eleven hundred and thirty-one of the city of Washington, namely: Bounded on the north side by the south line of H street south, two undred and six feet; on the east by the west line of Twenty-first street east, prolonged south from the south line of H street south, as said Twenty-hrst street is now located, two hundred and eighty-five and thirty-three one-hundredths feet; on the south by the north line of I street south, produced from its present location, lying between Virginia avenue and Thirteenth street east, two hundred and six feet· on the west by the east line of Twentieth street east, prolonged south from the sout line of H street south, as said Twentieth street east is now located, two hundred and eighty-five and thirty-three one—hundredths feet, containing fiftly-eight tlhouisanldhseven hqndred and seventy-seven and ninety-cig t oneun re t s square cet. Approved, March 3, 1905. March 9£7%6. CHAP. 1449.-An Act Validating) certain eonveyances of the Northern Pacific [P;b;iR·N 183] Railroad Company and the Northern amfic Railway Company. 0, 0. . Be it enacted the Senate and House ofRZ>·resentatives of the United wmexgg of States of America in Ocngress asseinbled, That all conveyances here- Northern mms anu- tofore made b the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or by the '°""'“‘°“ °°"°"'“°"· Northegn Pacilib Rpilviay Compapy, of lots one, tgo, three, fourhfiveé six, an seven in oc six, an ots ei teen an nineteen in oc five in the first addition to the third addition to railroad addition, in the city of Spokane, State of Washington, are hereby legalized, validated, and confirmed, said lands forming) a rt of the right of way hgretofore granted by Act of Congress to the Ndrthern Pacihgs Railroad mpany. Approved. March 3, 1905. Nmh 3. 1906- CHAP. 1450.-An Act To provide for a land district in Wasatch, Uintah, and

 Carbon counties in the State of Utah, to be known as the Uintah land district, and for

[Public. No. 183.] other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe]n·esentati#ves of the United lmbgglgggfimdct States of America in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the mnn, romeo.State of Utah included within the present boundaries of Uintah and Carbon counties, and also within the boundaries of that part of the Uintah Indian Reservation which lies within the present boundaries of Wasatch County, is hereby constituted a new land district, to be <>¤¤¤- called the Uinta land district, and that the land office for said district shall be located at such place within the territory above described as the President of the United States may designate. Approved, March 3, 1905.