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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1107

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1020 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 111. Ch. 1452. 1905. law within two years after the same shall be opened for entry shall be paid for at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents per acre; after the expiration of this period, two years, all lands entered under the homestead law within three years therefrom shall be paid for at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; that all homestead entrymen who shall maize entry of the lands herein ceded within two years after the opening of the same to entry shall_pay one dollar and fifty} cents per acre for the land embraced in their entry, and for all of the said lands thereafter entered under the homestead law the sum of one dollar and twenty—'dve cents per acre shall be paid; paymept inkall cases to bg madetasgollows;SFIi£ty cplntgapplrjaéeip Qaltctlhae imeomamgenryan wen -vecen ra e a - _ after until the (price per acre hereiiibefore provided shall have been fully Town-¤ne,m1,s¤d paid; that lan s entered under the town-site, coal and mineral land laws m”°"°* °““"‘*’· shall be paid for in an faiplount an`;] mlanner as proylided by saiddlagvgs; and in case any entrymanstoma et epayments erein provide or, or any of them within the time stated a l rights of the said entryman to ——» the lands covered by his or her entity shag at once cease and any (pay- ments fherebefgre made shalbpe fdrfegted and the entry {shall be hpl far cancel atio a cance xd, an al an s except miuera an coa an s · herein ced§d,Ii·emai1;ing (pndisposed of, at {1:% expiration ofhiivle yplars from the opening o said an s to entry s be so to the ig est bidder for cash, at not less than one dollar per acre, under rules and

 regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior: And

“' ”°“· pmvzded, That nothing herein contained shall impair the rights under thetlpasin tpalismuls Igoysi-:in,lwhich lgaslbleen approylegltbyl the Secretapy mgm. a rl , o e n r1or· u said essee s a ave or t 1 y. ays rom e uu c use date of apprioval 4g the surveys of said land a preferential giglét to locate o owing the `overnment surveys not to exceed six un red and fdrty acres in the form of a square, bf mineral or coal lands in said reservation; that said Boysen at the time of entry of such lands shall pay cash therefor at the rate of ten dollars per acre and surrender ygéis ¤f¢¤r dem said lease and the same shall be canceled: P1·0vzdedj5n·¢}m·, That any ` landzxéemaining unsoldéiglatlyeaishafter Elie saidlliands shall have keen open to entry may so to the big est bi er for cas wit out regard to the above minimum limit of (price; that lands disposed of under the town-site, coal and mineral lan laws shall be paid for at the prices provided for by law, and the United States agrees to pay the said Indians the (proeiegds dgrived (from thie (pales o dsaidl lands, me amount so rea ize to i to an expen e for said In ians in the manner hereinafter providdd. fQ;$$,j,°,f}§;p,,meD,_ Arrrxcmz III. It is further agreed that of the amount to be derived from the sale of said lands, as stipulated in Article II of this agreement, the sum of eighty-five tholpsand dolllars shall be devoted to making a per ca ita yment to the said In ians of lift dollars each in cash within sixty ddys after the opening of the ceded lands to settle- ¤~>vi···>· ment, or as soon thereafter as such sum shall be available: Andpr0— 1_,g:;¤r*¤¤ WMM vededfw·the7·, That upon the completion of the said fifty dollars r ' capita payment any ba ance remaining in the said fund of eighty-gse thousand dollars shall at once become available and shall be devoted to lsfurveying, plattilrxg, tmaking of mapsé KEYS1I8D2a of tghe geels, the ormance o suc ac as are require y e s u so e e o Béyomglng ig securilngl water rig}hts from said State for the irrigation of suc lan s as s a remain the roperty of said Indians whether located within the territory intended to be ceded by this agreement or _ within the diminished reserve. ,,‘{}.*,‘,‘°,gf“‘“‘°*°’ Airrrcnn IX. It is understood that nothing in this agreement contained shall in any manner bind the United States to urchase any portion of the lands herein described or to dispose of saidplands except as provided herein, or to guarantee to find purchasers for said lands