FIFTY-EIGH'l`H* coxomsss. sm. 111. ou. 1452. 1905. 1021 or any portion thereof, it being the understanding that the United States shall act as trustee for said Indians to dispose of said lands and to expend for said Indians and pay over to them the proceeds received from the sale thereof only as received, as herein provided. Sec. 2. That the lands ceded to the United States under the said m‘fg$"““¥°“’“‘“‘° agreement shall be disposed of under the provisions of the homestead, ` town-site, coal and mineral land laws of the United States and shall be opened to settlement and entry by proclamation of the President of the mted States on June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and six, which proclamation shall prescribe the manner in which these lands may be P¤>¢l¤¤¤¤¤¤- settled upon, occupied,. and entered by persons entitled to make entry thereof, and no personshall be permitted to settle upon, occupy, and enter said lands except as prescribed in said proclamation until after the expiration of sixty days from the time when the same are opened to sett ement and entry, and the rights of honorably discharged Union · soldiers and sailors of the late civil and of the Spanish wars, as defined and described in sections twenty-three hundred and four and twenty- p`v51Is1. p. sev. three hundred and five of the Revised Statutes of the United States as amended by the Act of March first, nineteen hundred and one, shall not be abridged. _ All homestead entrymen who shall make entry of the lands herein {}§§,§,§’§§{’,f’ °“°"°“· ceded within two years after the opening of the same to entry·shall pay one dollar and fifty cents per acre for the land embraced in their entry, and for all of the said lands thereafter entered under the homestea law the sum of cue dollar and twenty-five cents per acre shall be paid, payment in all cases to be made as follows: Fifty cents per acre at the time of making entry and twenty-five cents per acre each year thereafter until the price per acre hereinbefore provided shall have been fully paid. Udpon all entries the usual fees and commissions shall be paid as provide for in homestead entries on lands the price of _ which is one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Lands entered m'§{Q’,Y,¥}{l,°§;.,‘?e'},f1·‘“° under the town-site, coal, and mineral land laws shall be paid for in amount and manner as provided by said laws. Notice of ocation of all mineral entries shall be filed in the local land office of the district in which the lands covered by the location are situated, and unless entry and payment shall be made within three years from the date of location all rights thereunder shall cease; and in case any entryman fails to make the ayments herein provided for. oranv of them., within the time stated, all rights of the said entryman to the lands covered b his or her entry glnall cease, and any payments therebefore made sliall be forfeited, and the entry shall be held for cancellation and canceled; that nothing in this Act shall preventhomestead settlers from com- gogrmugggy- m muting their entries undersection twenty-three hundred and one of the " "”°°'"‘ ‘ Revised Statutes of the United States by paying for the land entered the ' price fixed herein; that.all lands, except mineral and coal lands, herein ceded remainin undisposed of at the expiration of five years from the opening of said: lands to entry shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash at not less than one dollar per acre under rules and re latioi to be rewribed by the Secretary of the Interior: Hmddeiu That any Qzjfllnmld nm, land; remaining unsold eight years after the said lands shall have been eight years. opened to entry may be sold to the highest bidder for cash without re rd to the above minimum limit of price. _ Sho. 3. That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the pe¢gg{ggf*“°*°° ‘°*’ Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ' eighty-five thousand dollars to make the per calpita payment provided in article three of the agreement herein ratilie , the same to be reim- R°i*¤b“”°°l°· bursed from the iirst money received from the sale of the lands herein ceded and relinquished. And the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, S¤"'°Y¤- °*°- or so much thereof as may be necessary. is hereby appropriated. out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1108