1022 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 1452,1453. 1905. appro rlated, the same to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of sais lands, for the survey and field and office examination of the unsurveyed (portion of the ceded lands, and the survey and marking of the outboun aries of the diminished reservation, where the same is not I¤’¤€¤¤°¤· a natural water boundary; and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars IS hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury of the United A States not otherwise appropriated, the same to re1mbursed from the proceeds of the sale of said lands, to be used in the construction and extension of an irrigation system on the diminished reserve., as provided in article four of the agreement. Approved, March 3, 1905. Mmh 3· 1906- CHAP. 1458.-—An Act To amend section forty-four hundred and fiveof the Revised [H-B-1**] 1 seams or me United sum. Public, No. 186. ` [ Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmule;y`Representat2?vea of the United u§,}§*'“’“‘ States of America in Oongrese aseemb », That section forty-four hundred and five of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it Meetings of bmw is ht-érebyipongenggd to read follows;0 d th S _ _ I m D ,· ‘ nc. . esupervising mspec rsan e upervising nspecxiii) e Lf :6; tor-General shall assemble as a board once in each dyear, at the city of .me¤2i€.i.°' 'P' ‘ Washington, District of Columbia, on the third We nesdav in January, and at such other times as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall prescribe, for joint consultation, and shall assign to each of the supervising inspectors the limits of territor within which he shall perform B¤rgvPg·,¤{,¤¤S;cr*g be his duties. The board shall establish all necessary regulations required iiibommenle new to carry out in the most effective manner the rovisions of this title, "°"· and such regulations, when approved by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, shall have the force of law. The supervisin inspector for the district embracing the Pacific coast shall not be ungler obligation to attend the meetings of the board oftener than once in two years; but when he does not attend such meeting he shall make his communications thereto, in the way of a report, in such manner as the board @{,,8 comm,, shall prescribe: Provided, That the Secreta of Commerce and Labor me summed. may afany time call in session, after reasonable public notice, a meeting ,,;£g'Q$f;‘,‘j,'{}§,'g‘ ° °° ‘* of an executive committee, to be composed of the Supervising Inspector- General and any two supervising inspectors, which committee, with the approval of the said Secretary, shal have power to alter, amend, add to, or repeal any of the rules and regulations made, with the approyal of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, by the board of supervising inspectors, either by virtue of this section or under any power granted bv this title, or an amendments thereof, such alteration, amendment, addition, or repeal; when approved by the said Secretary, to have the force of law, and to continue in effect until thirty days after the adjournment of the next meeting of the board of supervising inspectf Use ngjnnnipcnm ors. The foregoing powers of such executive committee, acting with °{{§Y',ec¥4°§g1f,f;;68_ the said Secretary, s all also extend to the approval of the instruments, machines, and equi ments referred to in section fortv-four hundred and ninety-one of this title." ` meet. Sec. 2. That this Act shall take edect and be in force on and after · the first day of July, nineteen hundred and tive. Approved, March 3, 1905.
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