FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1454. 1905. 1023 CHAP. 1454.-An Act To amend sections forty-four hundred and seventeen, forty- March 8, 1905. · four hundred and fifty-three, forty-four hundred and eighty-eight, and forty-four [H- K 1819**] hundred and ninety-nine of the Revised Statutes relating to the Steamboatlnspection Service, and section fifty-three hundred and forty-four of the Revised Statutes relating to misconduct by officers or owners of vessels. Be it enacted by the Senate and House af Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section fort -four hun- ,,§,{ggj}gg°'#I'*¤P°°· dred and seventeen of the Revised Statutes of the United States be’ ameréded to récadrpls {ollqws: han I I ul ‘ mc. 441 . e oca ins ctors s , once in everv year at least “‘l’°°“°" ° h l' carefully inspect the hull pdf each steam vessel within their resi OfIll§;];eb<iTlllV,v.8w. pective districts, and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel °m° °°' so submitted to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be em loyed, has suitable accommodations for · passengers and the crew, andp is in a condition to warrant the belief that she maly be used in navigation as a steamer, with safety to life, and that al the requirements of law in regard to fires, boats, pumps, hose, life-preservers, floats, anchors, cables, and other things are faithfully complied with; and if they deem it expedient they may direct the vessel to be put in motion, and may adopt any other suitable means to test her sufficiency and that of her equipment. The local inspectors BNI vessels. shall, once in every year, at least, carefully inspect the hull of each sail vessel of over seven hundred tons carrying ssengers for hire and all other vessels and barges of over one hundgted tons burden carrying passengers for hire within their respective districts, and shall satisfy themse ves that every such vessel so submitted to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for the crew, and is in condition to warrant the belief that she may be used in navigation with safety to life: Provided, That vessels while laid up and dismantled m·0u,“ mm and out of commission may, by reglulations establis ed by the Board minion of Supervisin Inspectors, with the approval of the Secretary of {?§°j,E§5_%,;?€°gg_ Commerce andg Labor, be exempted from any or all inspection under _ sections forty-four hundred and seventeen, forty-four hundred and eighteen, forty-four hundred and twenty-six, forty-four hundred and _ twenty-seven. WVhenever any inspector or assistant inspector shall, k£}‘{j,°_§“,f,Q{_ ‘° "° in the performance of his duty, lin on board any vessel subject to the provisions of this title, as part of the required equipment thereof, any equipment, machinery, apparatus, or appliances not conforming to the requirements of law, he s all require the same to be placed in proper condition by the owner or master of the said vessel. if possible; and ,,£°“§‘f}§’$l§}‘c,‘,Q{.,,‘f,“,‘§f if said inspector or assistant insplector shall find on board any such ¤¤=· vessel any life-preservers or fire ose so defective as to be incapable of repair, he hall require that the same be destroyed in his presence by such owner or master. And in any of the foregoing cases local ,,,§c§{g°•e{*c°¤ °l °°*· inspectors by whom or under whose supervision said vessel is then' being inspected shall have power to enforce the foregoing requirements by revoking the certificate of the said vessel, and by refusing to issue a new certificate to the said vessel until the said requirements shall have been fully complied with or until such action of the local inspectors shall have been reversed, modified, or set aside by the supervising ins . ctor of the district on proper appeal by the owner or master of saidkiessel, which appeal shall be made to the said supervising inspector within ten days after the final action as aforesaid by the local inspectors; and upon such appeal. duly made, the supervising inspector shall have Appeal. power to affirm, modify, or set aside such action by the ocal inspectors." Sec. 2. That section forty-four hundred and fifty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Sisc. 4453. ln addition to the annual inspection, the local inspect- ¤0l;*j@;gQm¤¤d ors shall examine, at proper times, steamers arriving and departing a.s.,sec.44s»s,i>.scz. to and from their respective ports. so often as to enable them to detect ‘"‘°“°°°‘
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1110