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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1115

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IO28 FIFTY—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 1456, 1457. 1905. Fm d°°'°- connecting boilers. means of prevention of sparks and iiames_from fire doors, low-water gauges, means of removing inud and sediment from boilers, and all other such machinery and appurtenances thereof, are of such construction, shape, condition arrangement, and material that the same may be safely employed in the service fproposed without compliance with peril to life; and the local inspectors shall satis y themselves by "’g"l°"°"°‘ °°°` thorough examination that said requirements of law and regulations in Hydr<¤¤¤¤ wsu- regard thereto have been fully complied with. All boilers used on steam vessels and constructed of iron or steel plates, inspected under the provisions of section forty-four hundred and thirty, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test, in the ratio of one hundred and fifty pounds to the square inch to one hundred pounds to the square inch of the working steam power allowed. No boiler or flue pipe, nor any of the connections therewith, shall be approved, which is made, in whole or in dpart, of bad material, or is unsafe in its form, or dangerous from efective workmanship, age, use, or other cause." Sec. 2. That section forty-four hundred and eighty of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: . 'mlcr Ms. "S¤0. 4480. Eve steamer ca 'n passen rs shall be rovided $‘._2f*“'·“"t‘;’]¤!h"“"’" with such tiller roperg, tiller rodsjqoyrlcgams fordlhe purpose ££¤•teer— .¤*}e,§;,é',‘;f’·“”°·P-“°’• ing and navigating the vessel, and such bell-pulls for signalizing the engineer from thepilot house, and such tubes or other arrangemtnt to repeat back the signal to the pilot house, as may be prescribed by the board of supervising inspectors, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor." nf- Sec. 3. That section forty-four hundred and eighty-three éthe Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: AFM pmrwuoy fer "SEc. 4483. Every such steam vessel carrying passengers shall b.YS§f’°”°°g°" mm` keep such fire buckets, axes, and water barrels as shall be prescribed “*;§5j§f’·“”“·¥’·“7· by the regulations established by the board of supervisin inspectors, gw1mm2am_ with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and iiabor. The buckets andp barrels shall be kept in— convenient places and filled with water, to be in readiness in case of tire, and the axes shall be kept in good order and ready for immediate Tanks of suitable dimensions and arrangement, or buckets in sufficient number, may be substituted for barrels. " ‘ w§gi,lg:,,g¤¤*¤¤P¤· Sec. 4. That sections forty-four hundred and thirty-tive, forty-fonr gz.s.,»et·é.44:sa_wm, hundred and thirty-six, and forty-four hundred and fifty-nine of the f,f;,’{q*'· W' ”“’· '"' Revised Statutes of the United States be, and they are hereby, re euled. F¤•*<‘*- Sec. 5. That this Act shall take effect and be in force on and after the tirst day of July, nineteen hundred and tive. Approved, March 3. 1905. M¤¤‘¤h it 1905- CHAP. 1457.·—An Act To amend sections fort -fourhun a -

 hundred_and sixteen, forty-four hundred and tvii,enty-three(;ri!d1rty]ficiiimi,1,ridi;~i'i gid

[rubric. No. 190.] twentv—sxx, forty-four hundred and forty-nine, t'orty-four hundred and fiftv-two, forty-four hundred and seventy, forty-four hundred and seventy-two, forty-tbur hundred and ninety-eight, and forty-two hundred and thirtv-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to steamboat inspectiori. Bc it emwterl by the Senate and {Enum ofRe n•exe1at¢ot}z•ew o the United ¤,‘:*,{‘§.;'§,',P;2,‘Q‘Y‘*‘I"·'*’°" States of America in Cbagress assembled, That section fol£·fOU1' hundred and lifteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: gggmgfggf- “Sec. 4415. The insipector of hulls shall be a person of good char- ·¤rL0Ys,i§e.4ns,p.a¤¤, acter and suitable qnali cations and attainments to perform the services ‘ required of an inspector of hulls, who from his practical knowledge of