FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1457. 1905. 1029 shipbuilding and navigation and the uses of steam in navigation is ful y competent to make a reliable estimate of the strength, seaworthiness, and other qualities of the hulls of vessels and their equipment deemed essential to safety of life in their navigation; and the inspector I¤¤P°<=*·°* 0* *><>“°¤— of boilers shall he a person of god character and suitable qualifications Qmm°m°m OL and attainments to perform e services required of an inspector of boilers, who from his knowledge and ex rience of the duties of an engineer employed in navigating vessel: by steam, and also of the construction and use of boilers, and machine and a urtenances . . . *7 . EE therewith connected, IS able to form a rel1able opinion of e strength, form, workmanship, and suitableness of boilers and machinery to be employed, without hazard to life from im rfection in the material, workmanship, or arrangpment of any part oituch ap ratus for steaming. The inspector of ulls and the inspector of boilears designated by ,pQ’§{,’,‘2 °‘ *°°°’ ·“" the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall, from the date of desig- ` nation, constitute a board of local inspectors." $161;..2. That section forty-four hundred and sixteen of the Revised Sm? of the United States be amended to read as follows: "&;:. 4416. No person interested, either directly or indirectly, in ,,,,P§,,'§‘{,§§';,*‘;‘§}},'i*,f’,§‘,,§'r any gented article required to be used on any steamer by this title, ¤¤1{¤g or w .is a member of any association of owners, masters, engineers, amé¤H€a$?'m°'p`855' or pilots of steamboats, or who is, directly or indirectly, pecuniarily intexid in any steam vessel, or who has not the qualifications and acguirements prescribed b this title, or who is intemperate in his ha its, shall be eligible to llold the office of either supe . " " , local, or assistant inspector, or to discharge the duties thereof: and if any such person shall attem t to exercise the functions of the ofiim of either inspector he shallhe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishaléle a fine of five hundred dollars, and shall be dismissed from o ce. _ Sec. 3. That section forty-four hundred and twenty-three of- the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Sr:c. 4423. Every collector or other chief officer of the customs ,p§c°{g‘Q,°“*°* °‘ l"' shall retain on file al original certificates of the inspectors r uired to R-S..¤éc.w3.p.&’»1. be delivered to him, and shall give to the master or owner ofeffic vessel therein named three certified copies thereof, two of which shall be placed by such master or owner in conspicuous places in the vessel where the will be most likely to be observed by passengers and others, andy there kept at all times. framed under glass, and t 10 other shall be retained by such master or owner as evidence of the authoritiy _ thereby conferred: Provided, }wwever, That where it is not practicab e €§‘§Q,',"Q;,,,,_ to so expose said copies they shall be carried in the vessel in such manner as shall he prescribed by the regulations established by the board of supervising inspectors with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor." Sec. 4. That section forty-four hundred and twenty-six of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by Act of January eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, be, and it is hereby, further amencid to read as follows: "Sr·:c. 4426. The hull and boilers of every ferryboat, canal boat, bgggmaon gramyacht, or other small craft of like character propelled steam, shall yar-1»ti.`•.-igim u' be inspected under the provisions of this title. uch o er provisions m{§§gjd°f·“*·P-*'*°· of law for the better security of life as mav be applicable to such ves— - se-ls shall, by the regulations of the board of supervising inspectors, also be required to be complied with before a certificate of insplection shall he granted, and no such vessel shall be navglgated `wit out a licensed engineer and a licensed pilot: Provided. ouwver, That in EQl*;{j;;€_un“mn open steam aunches of ten tons burden and under, one person, if dulv was bums}.. qualified, may serve in the double capacity of pilot and engineer. All ,,§_°§§i‘*"°’°“°`""
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1116